31 January 2018
On the occasion of the Celebration dedicated to St. John Bosco, numerous initiatives were held at the Museum of Peace: meetings of young people, visit to the “ emotional paths dedicated” to Don Bosco, common prayers in the Chapel with the relics of Don Bosco. On this occasion Don Mario Maritano (SDB) officiated a celebration with a moment of prayer and reflection on the work of Don Bosco for the young people.
31 January 2018
On the occasion of the Celebration of San Giovanni Bosco, took place, at the oratory of the Santa Maria Mazzarello Institute in Torre Annunziata, the inauguration of the work "Totem della Pace" by the Molinari sculptor. After the greetings of the director of the institute Suor Marianna,of the southern vice-director SuorCarlaandof the person in charge of the oratory Sister Angela, have participated the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, the person in charge of the "Totem della Pace" project Pia Molinari, the mayor of Torre Annuziata Enzo Ascione and the priests Don Franco and Don Mario. In particular, President Capasso underlined the importance of the "Hands of Peace" reproduced by the boys and girls of the Oratory: a COMMITMENT to be builders of peace that since childhood must involve children so that they grow up with a totality of values capable of countering the adversities and the evil of life.
31 January 2018
On the occasion of the Feast of St. Giovanni Bosco, the inauguration of the "Totem of Peace" by Molinari sculptor, took place at the oratory of the Santa Maria Mazzarello Institute in Torre Annunziata.
After the greetings of the director of the institute Sister Marianna, the Southern Deputy Inspector Sister Carla and the head of the oratory Sister Angela, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, the head of the project "Totem of Peace" Pia Molinari, the Mayor of Torre Annuziata Enzo Ascione and the priests Don Franco and Don Mario were present.
In particular, President Capasso underlined the relations with Torre Annunziata Municipality since 2013 and the commitment made to realize the monumental work "Totem of Peace" and initiatives in favor of abandoned children.
The initiative is part of the wider action of solidarity and aid that the Fondazione Mediterraneo has undertaken for the Oratory of the Mazzarello Institute in Torre Annunziata.
On this occasion the boys and girls of the Oratory performed in the musical performance "Vulessetruvà pace".
On the panel where the work "Totem of Peace" is located are reproduced the shapes of the hands of the boys who assume the commitment to be "builders of peace".
30 January 2018
During the international meeting "The Culture of Peace for the Security of the Future Generations", the Fondazione Mediterraneo reaffirmed the necessity of resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict according to the scheme of "Two Peoples in Two States" and Jerusalem, a shared capital.
On this occasion, President Capasso recalled the thirty-year activity of the Fondazione Mediterraneo for conflict resolution, stressing the importance of the appeals made and the results of the meetings and visits to the Naples headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Presidents Arafat, Abu Mazen and Peres.
29 January 2018
Marrakech hosted a high-level conference organized by the IMF on 29 and 30 January on the theme: "Opportunity for All: Promoting Growth, Employment and Inclusion in the MENA Region". In the presence of more than 100 participants from around 20 countries, the speakers discussed issues related to growth, employability of young people and women, and support for SMEs. Christine Lagarde, much sought after by the media, with Mohamed Boussaid intervened in the various work sessions.
President Michele Capasso participated in sessions on the role of culture as a fundamental element for human and economic growth.
28 January 2018
The international meeting "The culture of peace for the security of future generations", organized by Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain Cultural Foundationtook place in Rome in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo and other international institutions:
- EIUC, European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation;
- CeAS For the Europe of Peoples and Peace in the World-University Roma 3;
IPI, International PeaceInstitute; - Fondation du Dialogue Sud-Nord Méditerranée;
- SIOI italian Society for the International Organization;
Between interventions:
- Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain, President of Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain Cultural Foundation;
- Charles Ferdinand Nothomb, President of Fondation du Dialogue Sud-Nord Méditerranée;
- Terje Red Larsen, President of IPI;
- Michele Capasso, President of Fondazione Mediterraneo;
- George Ulrich, general director of EIUC;
- Luigi Moccia; president ofCeAS.
On this occasion, President Capasso offered the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Peace Museum - MAMT as the operational headquarters of the Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain Cultural Foundation dedicated to peace education for children from 6 years of age: an epochal emergency that requires maximum commitment to injecting values and instruments for peace into children's lives".
27 January 2018
As every year, the Museum of Peace held various events with school students and various groups of visitors on the occasion of the "Memorial Day".
In the Israel Hall, various videos, some of them unpublished, were shown on the Shoah and the deportation of the Jews to the various concentration camps.
Great emotion and appreciation among visitors.
27 January 2018
Visit the Museum Of Peace of the friends of prof. Lanfranco Scaramuzzino.
Great emotion and emotion among the participants who concluded the emotional paths of the Museum with a dinner at the refectory where Signora Giulia prepared typical Neapolitan dishes with DOP products from various locations in Campania.
26 January 2018
The Fondazione Mediterraneo participated in the Gender Violence Training Course seminars organised by the SSP High Education School.
The defence of women's rights against gender-based violence is one of the main actions that the Foundation has been promoting for 30 years with various actions and, in particular, with the "KIMIYYA" programme.
23 January 2018
The ASAR-International Conference on Business Management, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (ICBMESSH), which will be held at Istanbul, Turkeyon 23rd January, 2018.
ICBMESSH 2018 is hosted by ASAR- India. The ICBMESSH conference offers a track of quality R&D updates from key experts and provides an opportunity in bringing in the new techniques and horizons that will contribute to advancements in Business Management, Economics, Social Science and Humanities in the next few years. All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding.
Both academia and industries are invited to present their papers dealing with state-of-art research and future developments.