The "Totem for Peace" is a trademark duly filed in accordance with the regulations. Therefore, any initiatives undertaken by third parties using that trademark or the word "Totem for Peace" in any context and for whatever purpose, it integrates to all intents and purposes the case of trademark infringement.

The "Totem of Peace", the work of the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari, is the symbol of the "United States of the World" and represents the Peace: it was chosen in 1997 by 3,000 representatives of 181 countries and since then the "United States of the World" with the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" are spreading this universal symbol by setting up the network of "Cities for Peace".
The sculptor Mario Molinari was an artist of clear fame, sensitive to the themes of peace and dialogue between cultures, as evidenced by his numerous works and his life.
The cultural project of the "Totem of Peace" is carried out in the world by Michele Capasso: dedicated, since 1987, to the construction of dialogue as a tool for the mediation of conflicts, he combines his international experience of social and intercultural planning and planning with the professional one of architect and engineer.
Many countries have created the monumental work symbolising peace and coexistence between different peoples. Among the main ones are:


The sail that symbolizes the journey, the sea. This “Mare Nostrum” of ​​Ours which was the cradle of civilization, the scene of clashes and battles between the people who inhabited it but also and above all of the exchange of goods and knowledge. A sea celebrated in myth where Ulysses got lost, continuing to wander in his desperate search for his way back. The sail that turns red, at dawn and dusk, at departure and return in the immutable rhythm of the Universe .


On  2 March  2011 Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo met the president of the Moroccan Parliament Abdelwahed Radi in Rome and the mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino in Naples, playing the role of “carrier” of the Totem for Peace.

The President of the Chamber of Representatives of the Moroccan Kingdom Abdelwahed Radi – Secretary-General of the Moroccan socialist party – has formally handed over the Totem for Peace to the  mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino. Since 4 March 2011, Radi is the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean: an institution joined by the delegations of 43 Countries, established in 2003 at the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

On the same day, President Capasso met the mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino in Naples, with whom he has agreed to realize the "Tricolored Totem" on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity.

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A "Totem for Peace" formed by a red sail, symbol of the tragedies that brought bloodshed to the Mediterranean, Europe and the Middle East as well as two yellow and orange semicircles, representing dawn and sunset. This is the award, signed by the sculptor Mario Molinari, of "Memoriae", the second edition of the  event in memory of the Shoah, which was held on Monday 7 February at the Sala Filangieri of the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per la Campania.

- As for the section  Memoriae of the Shoah, the Prize was awarded to the sisters  Andra and Tatiana Bucci, born in Fiume and deported to the concentration camp of Birkenau at the age of 4 and 7, together with other family members;

- As for the section  Other  Memoriae, the Prize awarded to Lawyer Pasquale Cappuccio, brutally killed by the Camorra more than 30 years ago, was collected by his daughter  Emma Lorena;

- As for the section Postmemoriae, the Prize was awarded to the memory of Shmuel Haddas, first Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See  who died in January 2010.

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A  Totem for Peace with the colours of the Italian flag will be raised in Turin, in 2011, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary  of the Italian Unity. The news was given in Naples by Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo during the presentation of the initiatives for the Shoah Day.

The International Committee of Fondazione Mediterraneo – entrusted with the implementation of the Totems for Peace worldwide – has permitted to build a Totem aimed at paying tribute to the 150th  Anniversary of the Italian Unity. The Totem, that will be unveiled by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano,  will be 16 meters high, built in reinforced concrete and  thoroughly tricolour, in honour of the national flag colours.

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During a meeting with the Mayor of Rabat Fathallah Oualalou and the Director of the National Library of Morocco Driss Khrouz has been established the place where will be erected the Totem for Peace, 30 metres high.
The site chosen is located in front of the Library in correspondence with the grand entrance staircase.

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During a meeting with the Mayor of Fez Hamid Chabat and with the Deputy Mayor Touhami El Amouri, President Michele Capasso established with them the site where will be constructed the Totem for Peace by the sculptor Mario Molinari. The site chosen is located between Independence Square and the beginning of Allal El Fassi street.

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