Federation Anna Lindh Italia || Onlus


The Federazione Anna Lindh Italia, not-for-profit, shares the aims of the Anna Lindh Foundation: created in 2004 by the European Commission together with the 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries.
The Federation's objective is to promote, support and implement the cultural and social interaction between Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean countries in various fields of action including: art, architecture, archaeology, environment, crafts, youth, women, human rights, migrants, crafts, employment, training, education, education, childhood, sports, interreligious dialogue, legality, music, food culture, empowerment, tradition, tourism, social solidarity, exchanges.
In particular, the Federation intends to implement initiatives in favour of young people, especially aimed at restoring their hope and confidence through the promotion of the "true",the "beautiful" and the "good”

The Federazione Anna Lindh Italia participated in the 4th International Colloquium "The Maghreb, geo-historical determinism and strategic issues" organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Political Academy Forum.
The professor Capasso presided over the second scientific session dedicated to the "Challenges of integration of the Maghreb" and took part in the third scientific session dedicated to "The Maghreb and the other" with the report "The Great Mediterranean and the Arab Maghreb".
Anis Boufrika, head of tunisinian network of Anna Linfh Foundation participated in this meeting.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo took part in the international meeting organized by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and which was attended by speakers from various countries.
There are numerous issues addressed with the aim of giving back to sport an essential role in the process of social cohesion.
The Foundation intervened Giusi Badalamenti who welcomed President Capasso's greetings and presented the Foundation's thirty-year activity and the upcoming World Peace Forum, which will have as its main theme "Sport tool for peace".

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The "We citizens for Naples" Association of Angelo Colella and the Fondazione Mediterraneo organized a meeting with Alessandro Barbano and presented his book "Too many rights. Italy betrayed by freedom "(Mondadori Editori).
The works were introduced by President Michele Capasso and moderated by prof. Massimo Lo Cicero.
Among the present the proff. Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Maurizio Iaccarino, Nello Polese; journalists Santa Di Salvo Giorgio Gradogna, Said Margoul; entrepreneurs Fulvio Merlino, Ettore Cucari, Bibi Giurazza; the politicians Luciano Schifone and Massimo Adinolfi.
The author, Alessandro Barbano, underlined the need to re-weave the frayed threads of our consciences with the power of culture and the urgency of balancing the relationship between rights and duties.
Members of the Anna Lindh Italia Federation participated.

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Coordinator: Michele Capasso – Fondazione Mediterraneo
Animator: Fabrizio Mangoni – Federico II University – Architect, urbanist, expert in MD.
The Mediterranean Diet is example of "living" cultural heritage and driver of social cohesion.
To appreciate the Mediterranean Diet tale as life style a lot of creative work and research is still required to make the relationship between words and things, between stories of people and products of the earth, between saying and doing, between taste and emotions. The Mediterranean Diet food has methods of processing, preservation and maturing practiced in certain territories in a homogeneous manner, according to traditional rules and protracted over time. We speak about limited yield, entrusted to the tenacity of some operators, direct farmers and entrepreneurs.
The tradition factor confers, among other things, to the productions different useful characteristics:

  • historicity (origins of local communities and their close relationship with environment and territory)
  • familiarity (memory and vocations of one's historical roots)
  • rediscovery (search for quality, taste, details)
  • excellences (peculiar organoleptic characteristics).

The narration of the MD - using all available tools and technologies –can be an indispensable tool for companies to disseminate information on food safety, production techniques, control and guarantee systems, implementation of tourism linked to the emotional paths of food.
It is also desirable to reach a "universal philosophy" of the Mediterranean Diet able to support km "0" agro-products.
An appropriate narration can enhance the role of soil in the circular economy, especially referring to the main products of the Mediterranean Diet and the diffusion of EFH (Environment, Food and Healt) methodologies that aims to promoteaging in health and the fight against obesity.
Members of the Anna Lindh Italia Federation participated.

Esperti: Rossella Galletti – Università Suor Orsola Benincasa; Roula Papadopoulou – Region of Crete; Donatella Tramontano – Università Federico II e Gens ONG; Ferdinando Gandolfi – Region Campania; Marco Dianti, Ombretta Sciandra – Province of Trento; Elena Tsangaridi (Communication Officer of Troodos Dev.Company – Unesco Global Geopark).

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On the day of the funeral the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Federation is gathered around the victims of the Morandi Bridge and the city of Genoa that since 1991 has been at the side of the Foundation in many activities for dialogue and peace.
In Genoa, after what was the most serious post-war tragedy, nothing will be as before. Perhaps it is also for this reason that during the funeral of the state many were the Genoese who felt compelled to speak and to appeal to justice.
It was a sacred rite with inevitably profane moments. The overwhelming majority of applause went to the firefighters who crowded the structure with their out-of-service teams - some veterans from 27-hour shifts in the rubble - and the association and civil defense volunteers. In the meantime, three hundred of them continued to dig the collapsed stralls on the shore and around the stumps.
The Head of State Mattarella was the institutional figure greeted with more warmth and affection by the thousands of Genoese who from 8 in the morning queued to enter the pavilion of the Fair. The Genoese who felt compelled to be there were thousands. Many more than those who followed the ceremony in front of two screens, a real crowd that surrounded De Ferrari, the fountain square, the point where Genoa meets every time there is to celebrate or cry.
The words of Bagnasco during the homily were measured and common sense.
At the end of the ceremony with a Catholic ceremony, the microphone was offered to the imams of the very large Arab community of Genoa. One prayed by reciting a few verses of the "Salaam Alaikum" (there were several Muslim victims): the second, Salah Hussein, chose touching words that received a burst of applause ... "We are here together under one God to gather around the victims and families. A bridge has fallen ... a bridge should never fall because it unites and Genoa has always united in its history. We pray for Genoa, the Superb, which will once again stand up ... Zena in Arabic means the beautiful ".
In Genoa the Arab community is one of the oldest, since 1500, as the Armenian: the zeneixe dialect boasts many words in Arabic, almost untranslatable.

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