Complete Lest || of events

The Awards ceremony for the  “2012 Mare Nostrum Awards” took place in Naples.
Created by the “Grimaldi Magazine”, the Mare Nostrum Awards are dedicated to the promotion of Sea Motorways. Its aim is to valorize this exceptional opportunity for exchange, linking and sustainable development for all countries in the Mediterranean area. The prize money value of the Mare Nostrum Awards amounts to euro 50,000 as every year, shared among the first five award winners. The international panel of the Award is composed of eminent representatives from the fields of journalism and culture. In fact, its President Folco Quilici was assisted by Brahim Aouam, former Consul of the Tunisian Republic in Naples, Vassiliki Armogeni, Greek journalist for the magazine Efoplistis, Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Diana De Feo, RAI reporter, Mimmo Jodice, photographer, Enric Juliana, Deputy Editor of the Spanish daily newspaper, La Vanguardia, Paul Kyprianou, former President of the Associazione Armatori RoRo Europei, Virman Cusenza, Director of Il Mattino. The Awards Secretary is Luciano Bosso, journalist and director of Grimaldi Magazine Mare Nostrum. 
During the event, hosted by Massimo Giletti, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso emphasized the need in such difficult times to “show courage” in every field to promote peace and development. In a convivial atmosphere, meeting with journalist Giovannino Russo and Folco Quilici, Capasso referred to their joint experiences in dialogue and protection of the environment.

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President Michele Capasso, together with members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Vittorio di Pace and Claudio Azzolini, participated in a ceremony for the 225th Anniversary of the Nunziatella Military Academy and Swearing-In Ceremony for the Cadets of the 225 Course. In that occasion, the Gold Medal of the Carabinieri was presented to the Colours of the Nunziatella Academy in the presence of the Chief of Staff of the Army and General Commander of the Arma dei Carabinieri.


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On 16 November 2012, during the a week of activities from 19-25 November 2012, numerous initiatives were undertaken within the framework of the project for “The Development of the Mediterranean Diet to stimulate sustainable growth in the region”. The event was conceived and organized by Fispmed Onlus (a charitable association) with the participation of the Ministry for Agricultural, alimentary and Forestry Policies and the Municipality of Solarino (SR). 
Two themes were proposed, “Mediterranean Cooking discovering the links between nature, food and culture”, which took place on 16 November, and the “Marathon for Sustainable Development for the Mediterranean Community”, which took place during the week from 19-25 November in the framework of the UNESCO Week for Education and Sustainable Development promoted by the Italian National Committee for UNESCO on the theme of  Mother Earth, Diet, Agriculture and Ecosystems. In a broader context, initiatives of the “Network of Restaurants supporting the Mediterranean Diet” are linked to the project and can be identified by quality certification.

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From 8-11 November  2012, the XIth Meeting of Heads of the ALF National Networks was held in Cyprus. As Head of the Italian Network, President Capasso participated for the Fondazione Mediterraneo while Elisa Adorno presented the Istituto Paralleli del Nord Ovest

At this event, the following themes were discussed.

  • Objectives and Strategies 2012-2015
  • Budget 2013
  • Development of Networks
  • The new ALF logo
  • The ALF Mediterranean Forum in Marseille 2013

Among others,  the members discussed the Arab Spring and the role that the National Networks can play.

President Michele Capasso suggested developing joint actions to valorize immigrants – a new theme for the 2013 Euromed Award – to give greater visibility to young people on the south shore of the Mediterranean.

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