Complete Lest || of events

During her visit to Naples for the “World Forum for Child Welfare”, the Persident of  “Mentoring USA” Matilda Raffa Cuomo promoted Michle Capasso’s book “Nostro Mare Nostro” referring to it as “journey through life”.

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This year, the 23rd edition of the “World Forum for Child Welfare 2012” took place  at the Stazione Marittima in Naples from 26-29 November. It was organized by the IFCW under the patronage of the President of the Republic  together with Mentoring USA7Italian Onlus and the Albero della Vita Foundation. The World Forum 2012  was supported by the Campania Regional Department for Social Services and the collaboration of the Curia of Naples and General Consulate of the United States of America in Naples. The Fondazione Mediterraneo supported this initiative.

The inaugural ceremony for the WF12 opened with a performance by the musical ensemble “Sanitansamble” and was attended by representatives from international, National, regional  and local institutions: Stefano Caldoro, President of the Campania Region; Luigi de Magistris, Mayor of Naples; Ermanno Russo, Councillor for Social Affairs in the Campania Region; Marco Rossi-Doria, Undersecretary of State for Education, Universities and Research; Gianni Pittella, acting Vice President of the European Parliament; Vincenzo Spadafora, National Guarantor of Childhood and Adolescence; Lorena Rambaudi, Coordinator of the Committee for Social Policies of the Conference of State-Regions; Catriona Williams, President of IFCW; Matilda Raffa Cuomo and Sergio Cuomo, Mentoring USA/Italy Charitable Organization; Patrizio Paoletti, President of the Fondazione L’Albero della Vita.

National and international leaders, experts and representatives of the academic world involved on a daily basis at global level in the protection of minors participated in the 2012 edition, On November 28, a special event was organized entitled: “The person who changed my life”, which is also the title of the book by Matilda Raffa Cuomo. Letizia Moratti, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe,  and the President of Eni Giuseppe Recchi took part.

Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and Pia Molinari, Director of the Youths and Childhood Sector of the Fondazione spoke of the Fondazione’s twenty-year history, and in particular, their activities for childhood (the Mediterranean Observatory for Children’s Rights, the "Rita Allamprese” Mediterranean Award for Children, etc.).

Il Forum si è concluso con l'assegnazione del Premio Mediterraneo Rita Allamprese per l'infanzia a Matilda Raffa Cuomo e delle "Medaglie d'Onore" per l'Infanzia all'assessore delle Attività Sociali della Regione Campania Ermanno Russo, al Presidente dell'International Forum for Child Welfare Catriona Williams e al direttore de l'Albero della Vita onlus Ivano Abbruzzi.

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In preparation for the day of sensitizing the public to the issuing of overcoming sexual violence against women, the  Department for Equal Opportunities at the Municipality of Naples invited the public to discuss the book “Sono caduta dalle scale (edited by Caterina Arcidiacono, co-founder of the  Fondazione Mediterraneo) which presents the results of research carried out in Naples and the its province on the theme of domestic violence through the voice of its victims, health and social services workers.

Introduction: Caterina Arcidiacono
Interventions: Pina Tomasielli Councillor for Equal Opportunities, Municipality of Naples, Patrizia Iaccarino, Committee for Equal Opportunities at the Order of Doctors in Naples, Rosa Papa, Local Health Authority (Na1 Unit) for the Protection of Women’s Health.

Those participating with the authors included: 
Annalisa Amodeo, Massimo Aria, Ornella Ascione, Francesca Colaiaco, Filomena Coronella, Gabriella Ferrari Bravo, Francesco Garzillo, Palma Menna, Adele Nunziante Cesaro, Simona Picariello, Fortuna Procentese, Elisabetta Riccardi, Cristiano Scandurra, Giuseppe Stanziano, Filomena Tuccillo, Lucia Valenzi, Gennaro Volpe, Anna Zurolo, Modera Rossana Russo Committee for Equal Opportunities at the Order of Journalists.

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President Michele Capasso participated in the “China Italy Innovation Forum–SIEE 2012” at the City of Science, and event relating to technological exchanges between research centres and innovative companies in Italy and China.

It was inaugurated in the presence of Minister Francesco Profumo and Chinese Ambassador Ding Weng, as well asother eminent guests such as  the Mayor of Naples Luigi De Magistris, the Deputy Mayor of Beijing Chen Gang representative of companies and research centers for the respective countries.
More than 600 people enrolled for the event including businessmen, researchers and scientists, including  about 200 entrepreneurs from the Chinese business sector and institutional representatives. In fact, four Chinese delegations sent business delegations, including the Municipalities of Beijing, Sichuan, Henan and Tianjin.

In addition to the Minister of Education and Research and Ministry of foreign Affairs, the  innovative systems of three regions were presented: Campania, Tuscany and Piedmont . The Italian promoters of the event included, in addition to the Fondazione Idis–Città della Scienza, major research institutions such as: CNR and ENEA, ICE, Invitalia, GSE and Entrerprise Europe Network.
President Michele Capasso spoke with Prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra on the subject of developing cities and Smart Cities.

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President  Michele Capasso and Professor Caterina Arcidiacono – member of the Fondazione –  took part in the “China Italy Innovation Forum” at the City of Science in Naples.
On that occasion, the participants, who included the Mayor of Naples de Magistris, Governor of the Campania Region Caldoro, the Chinese Ambassador to Italy and the Italian Minister of Education, Profumo, analyzed the opportunities for China in various sectors. President Capasso emphasized the key role to be played by China on the South Mediterranean shore, as well as the need to bring China to the negotiating table for major discussions on Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, including for a relating to both culture and civil society.

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