Complete Lest || of events

The Fondazione Mediterraneo supports the programme for interreligious dialogue pioneered by Dr. Francesco Paolo Iaccarino and Father Arnold as part of a campaign in which the Crucifix and Effigy of the Virgin Mary of Pompei are exhibited as symbols in remote places in the foothills of Kilimangiaro.


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Professor Roberto Aliboni, former vice president of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, and considered one of the most eminent experts on international politics, wrote a preface to the book by Michele Capasso, "La Grande Méditerranée", which has been reprinted in its full 2007 edition for its premonitory reflections on today’s events.

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The “Euromesco” annual conference took place in Barcelona.

President Michele Capasso gave a speech on the democratization process under way in Arab countries, based on his 20 years’ experiences as President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

On that occasion, special mention was made to the book by Michele Capasso, published in 2007  by the University Cadi Ayyad in Marrakesh, which included the “Lectio Magistralis” containing truly premonitory  reflections about events which happened between 2008-2012.


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Members of the “Euromesco” network – comprising research centres and political groups from 43 Euro-Mediterranean countries -  met in Barcelona to sign the Appeal for Syria launched by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

“It is at precisely such a difficult time, in which Turkey runs the risk of being dragged into the Syrian conflict, that it is essential to launch an appeal to the world’s conscience to stop this conflict in the heart of the Mediterranean and remember that it continues to cause innocent victims.

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The Annual General and Extraordinary Meeting of the “Euromesco” network of international politics institutes took place at the IEMED headquarters in Barcelona.

On that occasion, the Activities Report was discussed and approved as was the Report on the Action Plan for 2012-2014. Prof. Bichara Khader was confirmed as President of the Steering Committee, Director of the Centre of Studies and Research on the Contemporary Arab World (Belgium) and member of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo has been a member of Euromesco since 2006 and attended the Assembly thanks to the participation of its President Michele Capasso, who suggested drafting a summary weekly Newsletter – with one page in English, one in French, Arabic, Russian and Chinese, respectively to be disseminated worldwide.


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