Complete Lest || of events

On the occasion of the celebration of the "51st WORLD DAY OF THE PEACE", the Holy Father Francesco sent a message on the theme "Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace".

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With the patronage of the Municipality of Naples and the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the association SELF (Secondigliano Libro Festival) has organized a meeting on the relationship between Neapolitans, yesterday and today, with the sea: all through the stories of eight writers who love the city.
On thisoccasion, the book "IL MARE BAGNA ANCORA NAPOLI" and the docufoto of Barbara Di Donato "Dall’alba al tramonto sempre Napul' è" werebothpresented.
Participants included Michele Capasso (presuident of FM), Alessandra Clemente (councillor for young people in the Municipality of Naples), Donatella Trotta (journalist and writer), Ottavio Lucarelli (President of the Order of journalists in Campania), Salvatore Testa (president of the SeLF).
President Lucarelli recalled Michele Capasso's long civil commitment and thanked him for his dedication and for hosting training courses for journalists in recent weeks.

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The main organizers of the "Euromed Civil Forum" held in Naples on 12,13 and 14 December 1997, celebrated the 20th anniversary of the important event which, with about 3,000 participants from 36 countries, outlined the path for Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation.
In the presence of diplomats from various countries, President Capasso - together with Caterina Arcidiacono, Esther Fouchier and Maria Angels Roque (responsible for that event) - reviewed the main stages that led to that event and the subsequent developments with the realization of the main projects proposed.

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President Michele Capasso, at the conclusion of the award ceremony of the "Euromed Award 2017", announced that - as already happened in other editions - the Fondazione Mediterraneo will host an event on migrants and refugees in 2018, with the participation of the 3 finalists of the Award and the winner "International Band".

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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, Pia and Jacopo Molinari, the members of the Board of Directors and the International Scientific Committee, the delegates of the branch offices and the directors of the autonomous sections are in contact with Nicole and Antonio Voria for the loss of her dear husband and father Michele.
A member of the Mediterranean Foundation, Mayor of Rutino and passionate of the Mediterranean, Michele Voria shared from the beginning the aims of the Foundation with initiatives - starting from 1994 - in favour of the people of the former Yugoslavia.
We would like to remind you of your "generous" being at the service of the Common Good.
In this interview, his testimony on the "Totem for Peace" to Rutino, which he strongly wanted and which we will now propose is titled in his name.

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