The United Nations (ONU) has designated Morocco to host the "International Conference on Migration" (ICD 2018) to be held from 10 to 11 December 2018.
The General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on the modalities of this meeting, including the choice of the theme: "Intergovernmental Conference for the adoption of the Global Pact for Secure, Orderly and Regular Migration".
Completing the work of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, co-chaired by Morocco and Germany, and the eleventh summit to be held from 5 to 7 December in Marrakech, the CIM 2018 is the largest international event on the migration issue.
An important meeting as it will see the adoption of the "Global Compact for Safe, Ordained and Regular Migration", the first United Nations document on the issue of migration as a whole.
A consecration for the Kingdom of Morocco and recognition of its role in managing migration in the world in general, and particularly in Africa and the Euro-Mediterranean area.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo will participate in this event in recognition of its role, for 30 years, in favour of migrants and dialogue in general.