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The ASAR-International Conference on Business Management, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (ICBMESSH), which will be held at Istanbul, Turkeyon 23rd January, 2018.
ICBMESSH 2018 is hosted by ASAR- India. The ICBMESSH conference offers a track of quality R&D updates from key experts and provides an opportunity in bringing in the new techniques and horizons that will contribute to advancements in Business Management, Economics, Social Science and Humanities in the next few years. All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding.
Both academia and industries are invited to present their papers dealing with state-of-art research and future developments.

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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the courses of the legendary "HIGH SCHOOL ANTONIO GENOVESI", in the still more legendary SECTION "E", the president Michele Capasso hosted - for an exclusive visit - his high school companions at the "Museum of Peace" - MAMT ": an immersion in emotions and unique and unforgettable emotions.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo participated in the celebrations of Rome and Capua with various members involved in solidarity actions and assistance to migrants.
It's exciting to participate in this Eucharist among the flags of 49 countries; in the world there are about one billion people on the move - said President Michele Capasso - almost one human being out of seven; in Italy the migrants arrived through the Mediterranean route in 2017 were 119 thousand, 34% less than last year. It is estimated that there have been 3,116 deaths or missing persons on the Central Mediterranean route from North Africa to Italy. Since the beginning of the year, more than 400 children have died at sea, they tried to cross the crossing alone or with relatives, while in thousands they were victims of abuse, exploitation and slavery on their journey through Libya.
Only in 2017 - Capasso concludes - about 15,000 unaccompanied children reached Italy by sea and their trips were generally managed by traffic and trafficking managers ".Before attending Mass, President Capasso underlined the emotions and involvement of more than 5,000 visitors to the emotional path of the Museum of Peace in Naples dedicated to "VOICES OF MIGRANTS".
Celebrating the Mass in St. Peter's on Sunday, January 14,2018 Pope Francis said words of understanding for people's fears in the face of the migratory phenomenon:"To have doubts and fears is not a sin. The sin is to let these condition our choices and feed hatred "

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