Complete Lest || of events

Today, 23 February 2018, the first Friday of Lent, is a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace, in particular for South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The initiative was launched by Pope Francis during the Angelus on Sunday 4 February 2018.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo with its network has joined the day in the wake of the thirty year activity for dialogue and peace.
The Pope's invitation was welcomed by the World Council of Churches which announced that in the Democratic Republic of the Congo alone, over 4 million people have been displaced and more than 13 million Congolese are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. The same tragic situation in South Sudan where 2 million people have fled the country and many are internally displaced. In the battered African country almost two thirds of the population need humanitarian aid. Card. Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, invited the Secretary General of the World Council of Churches, Pastor Olav Fykse Tveit to attend this Day of Prayer which becomes - he wrote in a letter - "a sign of solidarity and closeness to those who suffer in these nations and especially to the many Christians of different Churches who live there and, moreover, a concrete step in the shared witness of the Gospel of peace, which the world so badly needs ". Pastor Tveit has accepted the invitation he has addressed to the Church members of the Council, reiterating that it is precisely children, young people and women who are the people most affected by the crisis.
The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue also supported the Pope's wish to extend prayer and fasting to the faithful of other religions, living it "according to their own tradition and in their places of worship".
In Italy there has been the adhesion of Islamic religious communities.

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The XII Plenary Session of the PAM - Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean was held in Bucharest.
From the contrast to the evolution of terrorism to political and security developments in the MENA region, from the facilitation of exchanges and investments to climate change, from human rights and migration to the protection of cultural heritage.
From France, Italy, from Palestine to Israel and then Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Portugal Jordan .... and of San Marino, which from this session has officially entered a part of this great organization.No less important is the contribution made by the Associated States such as the Holy See, the Order of Malta and Russia and the many guests such as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Libya, senior officials of the NU and representatives of other international organizations.
The work of the session was opened by speeches by the Presidents of the Chamber and Senate and by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania, as well as by the messages of St. S. Pope Francis and Secretary General of ONU Antonio Guterres.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo, the first observer member of the WMPA - conceived in Naples at the Foundation's headquarters - has made its thirty-year contribution to dialogue and peace.

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The President Michele Capassothe members of the Board of Directors and of International Scientific Committee, the representatives of the autonomous Sections and the detached offices, express deep condolences for the death of Prof. Giuseppe Galasso: with Gerardo Marotta, Raffaele La Capria, PredragMatvejevic’ and many other prestigious members of the International Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Mediterraneo. Since the beginning of the Foundation's activities, a deep collaboration was born based on ideals and respect for timeless values ​​like those that were at the bases of the glorious Italian Risorgimento. A unique common heritage done of initiatives and conferences: the great testimony of the vision of a man, Giuseppe Galasso, who was able to reinstatethe role toNaples of great capital in History and in Life.

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