Complete Lest || of events

The Coordination Meeting of the Italian Network of "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures of Regione Puglia was held at Vernole. On that occasion – in the presence of Piera Raimondi, assistant of the president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Head of the Italian Network – it was submitted and discussed the report "Euromed Intercultural Trends 2010"; members were required to confirm their participation in ALF Italian Network; the common programme 2010-2011 "Meeting Minorities" was illustrated.

The Institute of Mediterranean Cultures of the Province of Lecce, Teatro Astragali and Euromed Agency for Cultural heritage, have put forward proposals to improve networking synergy.

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Following the events occurred during the last few years in Egypt, the National Networks of "Anna Lindh" Foundation, expressed their solidarity to the ALF staff in Alexandria (obliged to evacuate their seat) as well as to all Egyptian people.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo joined this initiative and President Michele Capasso, by a letter addressed to ALF Executive Director Andreu Claret, declared himself ready to host Alexandria staff at FM headquarters in Naples, so that they can go on with their ordinary activities.

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The Coordination Meeting of the Italian Network of "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures of the Regions Piemonte and Lombardia was held in Turin. On that occasion – in the presence of Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Head of the Italian Network – it was submitted and discussed the report "Euromed Intercultural Trends 2010"; members were required to confirm their participation in the ALF Italian Network; the common programme 2010-2011 "Meeting Minorities" was illustrated.

The Istituto Paralleli and the other bodies present at the meeting declared their availability to create a consortium to carry out some of the actions laid down in the "Meeting Minorities" Programme.

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The Coordination Meeting of the Italian Network of "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures of Regione Sicilia was held in Palermo. On that occasion – in the presence of Piera Raimondi, assistant of the president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Head of the Italian Network – it was submitted and discussed the report "Euromed Intercultural Trends 2010"; members were required to confirm their participation in the ALF Italian Network; the common programme 2010-2011 "Meeting Minorities" was illustrated.

CE.S.I.E., Narramondi Onlus Association, COPPEM, HRYO Association and the Centro Creativo Danilo Dolci declared their availability to create a consortium to carry out some of the actions laid down in the "Meeting Minorities" Programme.

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