Complete Lest || of events

The Anna Lindh Foundation expresses its deep concern for the release of the provocative film called “Innocence of Muslims”, which constitutes an offense to Muslims around the world, and for the violent reactions of extremist groups whose attacks on diplomatic delegations have led to outbreaks of violence and caused deaths.

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On 15 June 2012 the project “Mediterranean Networking: step one Lampedusa”, which is co-financed by the Anna Lindh Foundation and managed by the Italian  Anna Lindh Network got under way.
The aim of the Joint Action is to promote joint and shared activities in which a large number of national network members are active to strengthen dialogue among cultures in the Mediterranean.

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The 4th edition of LAMPEDUSA in FESTIVAL, the event that for the second year in a row has had the privilege of receiving the medal of honor from the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano as a representation prize and that has been selected by the UNAR (National Anti-Discrimination Office for Racial Discrimination) as a good practice against racism, has recorded an important participation in terms of spectators, witnessing a strong focus on the proposed events, which has brought on the island, as well as journalists and experts in the field, a different type of tourist: international and attentive to social and cultural issues.
The event was supported by the Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for dialogue between cultures, as part of the "Joint Action"..



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