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The Jury of the Euromed Award met in Brussels to decide the theme for the year 2011 and the choise was "Acting for social inclusion of migrants and minorities - Agir pour l´inclusion sociale des migrants et des minorités"
It was also decided the composition of the Presidency of the Jury for the 2011: Fondazione Mediterraneo, Anna Lindh Foundation, Poland, France, Romania, Denmark, Lebanon, Algeria and Palestine.

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The presentation of the “Report on Intercultural Trends” made by the Anna Lindh Foundation, for which the network head in Italy is the Fondazione Mediterraneo, was made in the Sala Mappamondo of the Chamber of Deputies.

Moderated by Giacomo Filibeck there were speeches by the President of the Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco Fini, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini, the head of the Democratic Party’s “Forum Esteri” Piero Fassino, by Giuseppe Pisanu and by the Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation Andreu Claret. In his speech Mr. Claret expressed public appreciation of the Fondazione Mediterraneo for its masterful role in coordinating the Italian network and for its President, Michele Capasso.
Politicians, members of the Italian Network and the ambassadors of the main Euromediterranean countries were present in the hall.

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The "Anna Lindh" Foundation follows its mission granting funds to the organizations of the civil society through Call for Proposals. Aiming at choosing the best initiatives, the Calls for Proposals focus on very important topics of ALF.

Call for Proposals 2010
The context of this year Call for Proposals: "Cities, Migrants and Diversity".

Deadline to submit: 1st of November 2010 at 4.00 p.m. (Egyptian Time - GMT+2).

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The theme for this edition is "Bringing people together for ecological sustainability".

All the organizations members of the 43 Countries of the Union of the Mediterranean were invited to nominate individuals or organizations which carried out actions related to the subject of the award.

IThe winner for this year's edition is ECOPEACE Friends of the Earth Middle East, a unique organization that brings together Jordanian, Palestinian, and Israeli environmentalists.

Awarding Ceremony
Brussels, 3 December 2010

The theme chosen for this year's edition is "Intercultural Dialogue for Peace and Coexistence".

All the organizations of the 43 Countries that are members of the Union for the Mediterranean were invited to nominate individuals and organizations which carried out actions connected with the theme proposed.

Combatants for Peace is the winner of the Euromed Award 2009, bestowed on September 21st in Stockholm, on the occasion of the Forum "Restore Trust, Rebuild Bridges", organized by Anna Lindh Foundation and Fondazione Mediterraneo.
Combatants for Peace is a civil movement jointly established by Palestinian and Israeli individuals, it has gained recognition for promoting a peaceful and right solution to the conflict through dialogue and non-violent means.

History in Action, a group of 55 transnational and inter-ethnic team of historians and history educators from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia who succeeded in overcoming ethnic, religious, linguistic divisions in order to elaborate a common history textbook for the region, received a special mention.

Awarding Ceremony
Stockholm, 21st September 2009