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This year the Award is dedicated to the theme of "Dialogue through Arts", and in particulart to visual arts as drawing, painting, photography and sculpture. The great news for this edition was that the members of National Networks had the possibility, not only to propose candidates, but also to elect the winner of the Award voting on-line.

Rima Maroun (25 years old Lebanese) is the winner of this edition. Maroun is a photographer who believes that “dialogue starts by the way we look at each other”. Her most famous work of art Murmures is a reflection on the choice of the perspective given or not to the audience. 

As for the 5 runners-up, they are (in descending order):
· Abed Abdi (Palestinian Photographer),
· Ramzi Harrabi (Tunisian Painter, Poet, Singer),
· Katja Schaefer (German Artistic Director),
· Marcel De Munnynck (Belgian Photographer),
· Atilla Durak (Turkish Photographer).

The Awarding Ceremony took place during the first meeting of the ALF Advisory Council, held in Naples on September 26 and 27, 2008.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 26-27 September 2008

This year, the Award is dedicated to the theme of “Women and men hand in hand for gender equality

The Winners were chosen by the Anna Lindh Foundation Heads of National Network of the 37 Euro-Med Countries during an election round which took place last July. 

Mrs. Rodi Kratsa Tsagaropoulou and Mr. Jan Willems are the ex aequo winners of the Second Edition of the Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue between Cultures 2007
The Winners have been working at two different but equally important levels in favour of women empowerment: Mr. Willems at the grassroots level, through his artistic talent and activities; and Ms. Kratsa at the institutional level – promoting equal opportunities policies in the European Parliament and in the Euro Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly.

An honourable mention is given to the three runners-up who are:
- Ms. Wassyla Tamzali, a renown writer and activist for women rights (Algeria),
- Professor Hanna Herzog, Researcher on gender, religion and politics and Professor of Sociology at Tel Aviv University (Israel),
- Ms. Mahassen El Emam, General Manager and Founder of the Arab Women Media R&S Center (Jordan).

The Award will consist in a trophy bestowed during a prestigious ceremony, and in the winners´ participation in several activities of ALF Networks, both in Europe and in the Mediterranean partner countries.


Awarding Ceremony
Cairo 26 November 2007

The Mediterranean Prize, called Euro-Mediterranean Prize for dialogue between cultures, was launched in 2005 as special category of the ‘Mediterranean Award’ created in 1997 by the Fondazione Mediterraneo in partnership with the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures.

Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, representing the Monastery Mar Musa (Syria) was awarded ”for its contribution in promoting mutual respect among population believing in different religions and creeds.” Deir Mar Musa is a religious community founded by father Paolo Dall’Oglio in 1991. Its aim is to establish and keep up positive relations between Christians and Muslims. In the community there are men and women coming from different countries and having different faiths who live the mutual experience to share the richness of their diversity through dialogue.

The 5 candidates were selected by the jury among many nominations proposed by the leaders of the 35 national networks of the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation “Anna Lindh.”

A “special mention” was given to the other 4 finalists for their commitment in promoting dialogue . They are: Crossing Borders (Denmark); Assia Djebar (Algeria); Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (Jordan); Daniel Barenboim (Spain).

The winner will receive the prestigious Prize during the Meeting of the Leaders of the National Networks of “Anna Lindh” Foundation, which will be held in Tampere (Finland) on the 26th and 27th November 2006.


Awarding Ceremony
Tampere 26th November 2006

Within the context of the works of the International Peace Workshop held in Naples from 15th through 17th October, the participants, ex combatants and non-violent activists, took actively part in the session focusing on the Theatre of the Oppressed: a theatrical method elaborated by Augusto Boal, using theatre as a means of knowledge and as a language.
The aim was to deepen the reflection on the role that practices based on dialogue and non-violence can play for conflict resolution, both in case of armed conflicts and in case of social, ethnic or political conflicts where violence is raging.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were presented to communication experts from Arab countries.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture held in Naples the first edition of the International Peace Workshops entitled ‘Supporting dialogue through non-violence. From clash to reconciliation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region´.

Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo illustrated aims and contents.
Guest Speakers: Gianluca Solera (Anna Lindh Foundation), Paolo Beni (Arci), Flavio Lotti (Local Communities for Peace), Miralem Tursinovic´, Bosniak, ex combatant from Ngo Youth Resource Centre of Tuzla; Nouraldin Shehada, Palestinian, from Combatants for Peace; Gerard Foster, Northern Ireland, Catholic, from Teach Na Failte; Itamar Feigenbaum, Israeli, from Combatants for Peace and others, who confirmed the importance of this seminar where ex combatants met for the first time to speak and construct peace.

The workshop falls within the framework of the activities promoted by the Maison de la Paix – Casa Universale delle Culture of Fondazione Mediterraneo, in order to prepare the Universal Forum of Cultures to be held in Naples in 2013.

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