Complete Lest || of events

The General Assembly of “ANNA LINDH ITALIA ONLUS FEDERATION” met in Naples for the urgent analysis of the situation created after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) sent the letter of 18 August 2017 with which a new head of the “RIDE-aps” was appointed, replacing the Mediterranean Foundation, elected in this role by the General Assembly of September 11, 2015 and with an expiring mandate on 11 September 2018 (as confirmed by MAECI by letter of 23.11.2015).
Members unanimously expressed their dismay at this decision and proposed a mediationwith the designation of two leaders, and detailed the work carried out in the attached minutes.

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The members of the Steering Committee of the inter-network action Kīmiyya, Leaders of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) from Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Lithuania, Malta, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia, Spain, and TunisiahonoredMichele Capassoamong the founders of the ALF, for the unchanged passion, the generosity and the warmth he always reserves for all ALF events.

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The Leaders of the National Networks of France, Spain, Malta, Algeria, Albania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mauritania, Tunisia, Lithuania, and Czech Republic visited the Peace Museum, MAMT and expressed great appreciation for this initiative and the commitment of President Capasso to represent and support the Anna Lindh Foundation.

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On the occasion of the Steering Committee of the inter-network “KĪMIYYA”, the Leaders of Tunisia, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Italy presented their respective projects to other leaders and to press, namely:

  • KĪMIYYA (Italy)
  • BE Effective! (Czech Republic)

On this occasion, it was agreedupon bringing together all the experiences in the great project “KĪMIYYA” and to present them at the conclusion of the international conference that will take place in Naples from 11 to 15 September 2017.

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The meeting of the Steering Committee of the ALF Inter-network action took place in Naples from 12 to 16 July 2017, “KĪMIYYA. WOMEN ACTRESS OF DIALOGUE ", coordinated by Fondazione Mediterraneo, Head of the Italian Network.
On this occasion, in emphasizing the importance of this initiative that will end with the international conference in Naples from 11 to 15 September, with the participation of 42 ALF leaders, the program was drawn up with noticeable initiatives for multiplying the results also in favor of other inter-network projects.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo expressed its satisfaction for this productivemeeting, whichallowed the unprecedented enlargement of the number of participants up to 12 leaders.
The Kīmiyya logo is the work of the artist Molinari, adopted unanimously and deeply appreciated by all members.

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