Complete Lest || of events

Great synergy and collaboration between members of the Italian Network who participated in "Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale" which ends today in Tirana.
From the leader "Fondazione Mediterraneo" to "ARCI", from "Teatrokoreja" to "Accademia del Mediterraneo": choral and synergistic participation with many events including the installations selected by ARCI under the coordination of Carlo Testini.
A splendid performance of "TeatroKoreja" by "KATER I RADES. IL NAUFRAGIO", which involved young artists from many countries on the theme of migration.

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The Anna Lindh Foundation's Italian and Albanian networks are jointly involved in initiatives in favour of women and young people.
On this subject, meetings and agreements have been signed with the leader Prof. Besnik Mustafaj and with Laura Xhaxhiu of the association "Open Doors Center".

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President Michele Capasso participated in the performance of the work "KATËR I RADËS. The SHIPWRECK" co-produced by Biennial of Venice and theatre Koreja of Lecce, member of the Italian ALF Network.
The event that inaugurated the prebiennial of Bari, involved young artists from various countries.
President Capasso congratulated director Salvatore Tramacere and Georgia Tramacere for the emotional quality of the play dedicated to the tragedy of migrants.

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Preceded by the press conference of 6 March 2017, the first stage of LEB SARD FESTIVAL took place in Beirut: the initiative supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation, which sees the participation of members of Lebanese and Italian networks in a festival where music is the "bridge" for dialogue between different cultures.
Present in the church of St. Louis were the highest Lebanese authorities to listen to the voices and contaminations of soprano Hiba Al Hawas and Fabio Furìa, with the participation of the Lebanese Conservatory and the "Rafiq Hariri Foundation Choir".
Appreciation for the Anton Stadler and Open med associations for their commitment.

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From San Luca, a small village on the slopes of Aspromonte, a message of hope starts in the battle for legality and against crime with the initiative "In campo per il futuro", which represents the epilogue of an intense activity in schools in the province of Reggio Emilia continued throughout the year with meetings between students and magistrates and which took shape with the inauguration of the new stadium in the country. A symbolic gesture, of course, that represents a very precise signal, says undersecretary Boschi:"The state and the institutions are there, here in San Luca, and everywhere. There are no territories in which the State renounces to exist and to fight a battle of legality against the' ndrangheta".
A message that was taken up and repeated almost in chorus by all those who took part in the debate at a school in San Luca, which was a prologue to the inauguration of the football pitch with the match between the national singers and the magistrates (for the record won by the singers 4-3): to speak were the vice president of Csm Giovanni Legnini, the national anti-mafia prosecutor Franco Roberti, the secretary of Cei Nunzio Galantino, the prosecutors of Reggio Calabria and Catanzaro Federico Cafiero de Raho and Nicola Gratteri. Everyone agrees in emphasizing the constant presence of the team-state on the territory but also the need for collaboration of the population. "We are here today - it was the message to the boys - to say that things can change, even in San Luca. We want to build a different country, but to do so we need you.
Many representatives of the "Federation Anna Lindh Italy" participants. President Capasso emphasized the role played by OMCOM (the Mediterranean Observatory on organized crime and mafias set up by the Caponnetto Foundation) and the message of Nino Caponnetto, which underlined that "the mafia is more about culture than justice". Hence the important role of schools in helping young people to fight the mafias,"cancer that corrodes the future".

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