In Naples from the 27 to 28 ottobre 2017 was held the Meating of “Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus”.
Order of the day:

  1. The adhesion of others 400 members to “ Federazione”, which will bring the total to 1000, after this number, also for the symbolic value, will not be accepted futher subscriptions. The motto of “ Federazione” will be: “ IN 1000 # DO IT TOGETHER, FOR DIALOGUE AND PEACE”.
  2. The situation created as a result of MECI’s letter, that does not recognized the elected leader, and the lack of terzeità and impartiality by the MAECI official in charge ( already highlighted in Assembly of November 2016 and in several instances sent). On this issue relates prof. Don Mario Maritano ( delegate of the Salesian Family) exposing the contents of the meeting held at MAECI on request of Executive Director Brasioli and Ambassador Risi; on this occasion was once again proposed – as an alternative to the main law of legitimacy of the elected leader till 11.09.2018- the solution of two leaders.

The Assembly, unanimously, stressed the legitimacy of this proposal, result of Reteitaliana General assembly -  legitimately met in Naples form September 12 to15 2017 and legitimately deliberative, with presence of “RIDE-APS” members and “ Federazione” members- wich retained, this solution, conclusive and the only viable: designation of two leaders ( one by “ Federazione” and one by “ Ride- aps”) with potential resources to be allocated, just to the “ RIDE- aps” association.
The legitimacy and the immediate praticality of the proposal is demonstrated by the memorandum of, mentioned, Assembly and by “ Internal Rules”. Approved: both unanimously signed by all the members of Rete italiana present in rapresentetion, of 604 organism on 650 total.
The Assembly approve, unaninmously,
that, in case of delayed or omitted response within the November 10, 2017, ( due the serious damage that this situation is making, not only to the leader, but to each of 604 partecipant members on the 650 total members.
The Assembly approve unanimously that, in case of delayed or omitted response, by November 10 2017, ( given the serious damage that this situation is making not only to the Lead but to everyone of the 604 members partecipating to Rete Italiana) they are put into prosecution or communication actions – collegiate level and by each of the 604 members-  to give maximum relevant media, political and institutional as absurdly an incomprehensibly is happening.
Assembly and 604 rapresentatives members will is, as previously announced by delegate Don Mario Maritano in the said meeting at MECI, to avoid action of this type why not help the Italian presence at FAL and, in general, at European Union and other international organisms.
For this reasons the Assembly asks to delegate Don Mario Maritano to lavish so that will heard the right remonstrations of “ Federazione” and, above all, be guaranteed impartiality and transparency in relations between Farnesina and all the Italian’s subjects part of Rete Internazionale of FAL, as a lot of Rete italiana members have already request, with individual instances, to the Minister.
The Assembly takes note of the legal value of the letter
by the Improda Studio sent to MAECI, of the letters sent by many members and the letter sent by Suor Maria Pia Giudici to the President Mattarella: say thank you to everyone
In the end, the Assembly, ask to the MAECI to pay attention, so that, the activities ( conducted over thirty years by many members and those in program) – making part of the heritage of “ Federazione” – won’t counted or confused between the activities of “ RIDE-aps” ( born in August 4 2017): it will help the transparency between mutual relations this way wil be avoided who does not organized this activities could be considered improperly spokesman and representative.