Complete Lest || of events

Was held in Tallin (Estonia) on 13 and 14 December 2017, the 16th Meeting of the Lead Leaders of the ALF National Networks.
They were discussed on this occasion:

  • Objectives and Strategies for the new ALF phase with the networks involved.
  • Network development and analysis of the European Commission document on the following main points:
    • Increased direct involvement of ALF members in Foundation programs by avoiding that most of the resources available to support members and their work remain exclusively in the hands of Lead Partners (HoN).
    • Increased horizontal and internal communication to date limited.
    • Definition of common rules for the designation of national network Lead Lead Partners.
    • Insufficient knowledge of ALF members, their work and potential.
    • More space for civil society in the management of national networks.
    • Review and reform of network management in the light of evaluations by the European Commission.

The meeting was preceded by a meeting between President Capasso and Professor Arcidiacono (official delegates by the majority of the members of the Italian Network to represent them at the Tallinn Meeting) with President Guigou and Executive Director Atallah: on this occasion the situation of the Italian Network and the considerable documentation produced (last parliamentary question of 12.12.2017) was analysed. The common hope is that there will be a rapid solution along the lines of other networks (in particular Turkey) in order to guarantee the legitimate democratic representativeness specifically required by the European Treaties and the regulations that the European Commission imposes on the ALF as its main donor.
On this occasion, Tunisia's lead partner Anis Boufrika presented, on behalf of all, an award to the Executive Director Atallah that at the end of the year, leaves ALF.

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Brussels, 6 December - Winners of the 10th edition of the Mediterranean Journalist Awards were announced by HRH Princess Rym Ali of Jordan at the International Bestowing Ceremony that took place in the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels. The event brought together the Mediterranean Journalist Awards Alumni, young leaders from across the Euro-Med region and civil society and international organization representatives.
The Winners of the 10th Edition of the Mediterranean Journalist Awards were selected during the Jury Members meeting that took place on the same day. Princess Rym Ali headed the International Jury committee of the 2017 Awards: Naglaa Emary, media expert; Gisele Khoury, President of the Samir Kassir Foundation; Robert Parsons, Senior editor at France 24; Paola Parri, Deputy Secretary General of COPEAM; Michael Thoss, Allianz of Civilization; and Boyko Vassilev, Bulgarian National Television.

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On the occasion of the "23rd SUMMARY ANTIMAFIA", the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the President of the Fondazione Caponnetto Salvatore Calleri presented the results of the interrete activity "KIMIYYA. THE EQUIPMENT WOMEN OF DIALOGUE "held in Naples from 12 to 15 September 2017.
The participants in the summit - from the journalist Paolo Borrometi to the MEP Sonia Alfano, from Giuseppe Antoci to Judge Catello Maresca, from the Procurators of the Republic of the principal prosecutors to the heads of the Police Forces - signed the manifesto of "KIMIYYYA", recognizing the action taken as having a high significance to enhance the role of women in the fight against crime and mafias.

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The Federation Anna Lindh Italia Onlus - a network of 1,000 Italian organizations working for dialogue and international cooperation - has collaborated in the "XXIIIrd ANTIMAFIA NATIONAL SUMMIT" organized by the Caponnetto Foundation and OMCOM, among the founding members of the "Federation".
On this occasion the results of the international conference KIMIYYA were presented and the state of play was illustrated after MAECI's initiative not to recognize the representativeness of the "FEDERATION".

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On the occasion of the "World Day against Violence against Women 2017" the "Federation Anna Lindh Italia Onlus" reaches 1,000 members and supports the "Venice Charter" presented by Italian journalists and journalists.
In 300 in Naples and 100 in Rome members of the "Federation" support initiatives to raise awareness of women's rights and the need to introduce a new culture of respect.

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