The EuroMeSCo annual  conference “Changing Euro-Mediterranean Lenses” brought together over 160 researchers, decision-makers, academics and representatives of civil society from 25 countries in the Euro-Mediterranean area to challenge some ideas that underpin Euro-Mediterranean relations.
In Euro-Mediterranean fora indeed, the focus is often on the state of the South and Southeast part of the Mediterranean and its impact on the European Union. In turn, this conference focused on how recent developments in Europe affect the southern shore of the Mediterranean and more generally Euro-Mediterranean relations. Similarly, Euro-Mediterranean policies are too often understood as policies of the European Union towards the Southern Mediterranean.
Therefore, this conference also looked at policies and strategies developed by southern Mediterranean countries vis-à-vis the EU and other partners.
The conference was co-organized by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and the OCP Policy Center.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo, co-founder of the network, and the Federazione Anna Lindh Italy took part in the work.