Complete Lest || of events

The president, the executive committee and all the members of the “Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus” express deep condolences for the death of the victims in the plane crash in Ethiopia.
In particular the Italian victims, with whom the Federation has collaborated: Sebastiano Tusa, archaeologist and councilor for Cultural Heritage of the Sicily Region; the three volunteers from Tremila Africa, a non-profit organization from Bergamo: president Carlo Spini, wife Gabriella Vigiani and treasurer Matteo Ravasio; Paolo Dieci, president of the Cisp, the International Committee for the Development of Peoples; Maria Pilar Buzzetti, Virginia Chimenti (United Nations World Food Program official) and Rosemary Mumbi.

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The appointment in Nairobi opens with a minute of silence, observed before each preparatory meeting, for the victims of the plane crash in Ethiopia in which all 157 people died, including 19 UN employees.
Until Friday 15 March the delegates of 193 UN member states, ministers, representatives of NGOs, associations - including the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" and the "Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus " - and directors of multinational companies discussed the issues environmental, with the aim of multiplying efforts to save the planet from climate change and excessive exploitation of resources.
There was also talk of new technologies and in particular of geo-engineering, such as alternative solutions to excessive production of CO2, reduction of consumption, food waste and de-carbonization of economies and marine pollution from plastics.
President Capasso, in one of the meetings, recalled what Pope Francis said - always attentive to the issue of respect for the common House, to which he dedicated the Encyclical "Laudato sì" - a few days ago, receiving the participants of the Conference at the Vatican on "Religions and sustainable development": on this occasion the Pope indicated the need for an "ecological conversion" of the present world.
"Plastic Free Oceans", out of plastic from our seas: with this motto the WWF has launched an international mobilization to accelerate the ban on single-use plastic products in Europe and Italy.
The "Fondazione Mediterraneo" and the "United States of the World" awarded the titles of "Standard Bearers" to young environmentalists from 194 countries and emphasised the goal for this Assembly in Nairobi is to have a New Deal that sees all environmental issues treated, from climate to biodiversity, to overfishing of resources in a coordinated and constructive manner and no longer fragmented, as has been the case to date.
According to the latest WWF report, around 100 million tons of plastic are dispersed throughout the world every year and around 9 million tons are annually ending up in our oceans.
"This is no longer tolerable - said President Capasso - we are destroying the land" and recalled the initiatives undertaken by the "United States of the World" under the slogan "EARTH AND PEACE".

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT hosted the "Caravan for the South" organized by Eleonora Forenza, European Deputy Gue / Ngl.
On this occasion the many participants (see program) focused on two focuses:

  1. Work, wages, income.
  2. Differentiated federalism and autonomy.

Two dossiers were presented:

  1. Repression and the right to dissent.
  2. For a feminist Europe: gender perspectives on economic policies and international trade.

President Capasso, in his greeting address, underlined the importance of safeguarding the European unity through the redesign of a solidarity  based on the needs of the people but looking at the constitution of the United States of Europe: the only antidote to nationalisms and authoritarian drifts.
Some members of the Anna Lindh Italia Federation took part.

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The workshop "MED BLUE ECONOMY: THE MEDITERRANEAN VEHICLE FOR THE INTERNAZONALIZATION OF COMPANIES" was held at the Posillipo Hall of the Hotel Royal Continental in Naples organized by CISE, the Italian Confederation for Economic Development, in collaboration with the Campania Region and - among others - the Mediterranean Foundation.
Took part Giuseppe Romano, president of CISE, Michele Capasso, President of Fondazione Mediterraneo, the Ambassador of Egypt in Italy Hisham Badr, the director of the port of Alexandria Aldabah Abdulqadir Saied, the general secretary of GWU Kevin Camilleri, Libyan MP Sdli Adel Ali B, Salvatore Forte, president of Consortium Industriale Sud Pontino, Raffaella Pignetti, President Consortium ASI Caserta.
On this occasion President Capasso recalled relations with Egypt for 30 years and Ambassador Badr underlined the importance of the Fondazione Mediterraneo which has been promoting and strengthening economic, scientific and cultural exchanges with Egypt for 30 years: these are the new plan that, in collaboration with the Embassy, ​​will be dedicated to Egypt in the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Representatives and members of the "Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation" participated in the workshop.

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