Complete Lest || of events

The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Federazione Anna Lindh Italia participated in the seminar on the theme "TOURIST DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES OF THE HISTORICAL CENTER: NAPLES, FLORENCE AND BARCELONA IN COMPARISON", underlining the urgent need to avoid the destruction of the historic centers and with it the memory of ancient crafts and knowledge.

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President Michele Capasso participated in Barcelona at the start of the celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process promoted by the European Union and the Mediterranean partner countries for a political, cultural, scientific and social partnership.
"The Fondazione Mediterraneo has been and is the protagonist of this process - said President Capasso - having carried out the main events and actions since its birth in 1995: from the Euromed Civil Forums to the Euro-Mediterranean Conferences up to the latest initiatives such as the Peace Museum and the Mediterranean. The Barcelona Process was an important opportunity that helps us reflect on what has been accomplished but, above all, on the challenges that await us in the near future".

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Anna Lindh Italia Federation participated in the seminar promoted by the foreign department of DEMA entitled "THE REFORM OF CITIZENSHIP BETWEEN IUS SOLI AND IUS CULTURAE".
After the speeches of
Alessandra Sardu, Luigi De Magistris, Sandro Ruotolo and other speakers, the president Michele Capasso underlined the importance of planning and acting referring to the global scenario of 2050 in order to propose solutions consistent with the great climatic, demographic and social issues that await us in the very near future.

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On the occasion of the Feast dedicated to San Giovanni Bosco, numerous initiatives were held at the Museum of Peace: meetings of young people, visits to the emotional itineraries dedicated to Don Bosco, common prayers in the Chapel with the relics of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.
On this occasion, a celebration of Holy Mass was officiated with a moment of prayer and reflection on the work of Don Bosco for young people

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Roberta Santaniello, director of the Campania Region and vice-president of the Campania Regional Assembly of the Democratic Party, signed the appeal of the Mediterranean Foundation for "THE ACTRESSED WOMEN OF THE DIALOGUE" titled "KĪMIYYA".
The program is designed and implemented by the Mediterranean Foundation, in collaboration with 12 national networks of the «Anna Lindh Foundation» (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia, Tunisia) and with the main international institutions (UN, European Parliament, Council of Europe, etc.).
WOMAN is the main "promoter" of links between civil societies: by supporting her training, education and access to new tools and new digital technologies, it will be possible to facilitate the implementation of intercultural dialogue in the Euro Mediterranean region and reduce migration and the causes of conflicts.
The name KĪMIYYA was chosen because in the ancient Mediterranean languages ​​(Amharic, Arabic, Greek and other languages) it means "to embrace", "to merge", "to reunite together", "to share", "to amalgamate".
809 are the first signatory women in the world to date, including Nobel laureates, women with government responsibilities, women of culture and science and so on for a long list to which today is added the name of Roberta Santaniello

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