Complete Lest || of events

In full compliance with the distancing and protection rules for Covid 19, the award ceremony of the "Mediterranean Award 2020" was held at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples, which inaugurated the celebratory activities for the thirtieth anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo .
For the "Institutions" section, the prize was awarded to the Island of Lampedusa, represented by the Mayor Dr. Salvatore Martello, present webinar.
Representatives of the political, cultural and institutional world of various Mediterranean countries and the members of the juries were present in the room.
The prize, consisting of the work "Totem of Peace" by the sculptor Mario Molinari, was symbolically awarded by the president prof. Michele Capasso and Dr. Pia Molinari waiting to carry out the official ceremony in Lampedusa in the coming weeks.
On the occasion of the Foundation's thirtieth anniversary, President Capasso recalled the many activities and "Laboratories for Peace" carried out in Lampedusa and culminating in the historic visit of Pope Francis on 8 July 2013 and the contemporary appeal launched in Lampedusa by the Foundation same day.
Mayor Martello thanked for the prestigious award that honors the island and its inhabitants.
On this occasion it was proposed to create the monumental work "Totem of Peace" on the Island of Lampedusa to strengthen the bond also in consideration that the relics of migrants present in the "Totem of Peace" in the Port of Naples (inaugurated by Pope Francis March 21, 2015) were brought by the Commander of the Coast Guard of Lampedusa.
On this occasion, the emotional journey of the Peace Museum - MAMT titled "Voices of Migrants" and dedicated to Lampedusa was presented in various languages

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On the afternoon of Saturday 3 October 2020 at the Museum of Peace - MAMT direct with Assisi and with Pope Francis for the signing of the new Encyclical "Brothers all" on fraternity and social friendship. The Holy Father at the Sacred Convent celebrated Holy Mass at the Tomb of St. Francis and, at the end, signed the encyclical.
Because of the health situation, the Holy Father wanted the visit to take place privately, without any participation of the faithful.
President Michele Capasso stressed the importance of the Encyclical precisely at a difficult time in the history of humanity

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In compliance with Covid-19 rules, young people and migrants - in small groups and in turn - gathered on the 5 floors of the Peace Museum to celebrate the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, wanted by the Church since 1914. an opportunity to demonstrate concern for the different categories of vulnerable people on the move, to pray for the challenges and raise awareness of the opportunities offered by migration.
Pope Francis this year chose the theme "Like Jesus Christ, forced to flee", and focused on the pastoral care of internally displaced persons (IDP).
President Michele Capasso recalled the thirty-year commitment of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and its staff in favor of migrants, summarized in the emotional journey of the Museum entitled "Voices of Migrants".
“The number of internally displaced persons - it was underlined - has increased to the point not only that it can be that of an entire population, but also so much that it reaches the highest level ever. There are 50 million internally displaced persons, but their fate, in the eyes of the world, is even more hidden than that of any other refugee, and this is because they remain within national borders, albeit victims of conflicts, violence, environmental disasters and, today, also of the Covid-19 pandemic. The countries in which there are the highest numbers of displaced people are the same that in recent years are the best known for their endless wars: Yemen, Syria, Libya and Iraq ”.
In response to his experience in Lampedusa and Lesbos, Pope Francis has set up the Migrants and Refugees Section: a small and dynamic Vatican department headed personally by him, believing that special efforts and attention are needed to ensure that those forced to flee are not locked out or left behind.
We can only emerge from this situation together, as the whole of humanity”, the Pope always emphasizes on every occasion.
The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly made the situation of migrants, refugees, displaced persons and victims of human trafficking even more difficult. Already vulnerable before the spread of the virus, they are now facing new suffering and further injustices, which affect their rights, their safety and their health

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The twentieth anniversary is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Salvo D’Acquisto. The president recalled the deputy brigadier who sacrificed his life for others. On the 5 floors of the Museum - in full compliance with the rules for Covid - films, unpublished and testimonies were screened.
This event, says President Capasso, wants to pay homage to a commendable figure who honors the Carabinieri and Italy.
On this occasion, President Capasso announced that in the coming months the entire building of the Museum will be dedicated to "The Carabinieri, faithful over the centuries".
On 23 September 1943 - the videos of the Museum announce - the deputy brigadier Salvo D’Acquisto, awarded the gold medal for military valor for memory, sacrificed his life to save that of 22 innocent people.
The previous day - 77 years ago - the explosion of some crates of ammunition killed a German soldier and wounded two. The crates were deposited in an abandoned barracks of the Guardia Di Finanza, in the Torre di Palidoro area and not far from Torrimpietra, where the Carabinieri station commanded by Salvo D’Acquisto stood.
Although it had been an accident, the event was considered by the German militias to be an unscrupulous attack organized by the Italians. D'Acquisto tried to persuade them that it was an accident but the Nazi officer did not give weight to his explanations.
He ordered to round up 22 people at random among the houses of the small town in the Roman province and had them brought near the Tower of Palidoro.
They were all questioned briefly but their version was not heard. Salvo D’Acquisto, given the bad turn taken by events, decided to turn to a Nazi officer and offered his life in exchange for the release of the 22 hostages, already forced to dig their own grave.
It was 5.15pm when Feldwevel Hansel Feiten gave the fatal order. Before dying under German bullets, D'Acquisto shouted "Long live Italy!"
Today, 77 years after his heroic deed and on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth, the Carabinieri commemorated his sacrifice.
In Naples, the interregional commander "Ogaden" general of the army corps Adolfo Fischione, together with the commander of the carabinieri legion Stefanizzi and other officers of the weapon paid homage to the tomb of Salvo D'Acquisto in the Basilica of Santa Chiara and then deposited a laurel wreath at the monument in Piazza Salvo D'Acquisto, in the presence of the prefect Valentini

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