Complete Lest || of events

It was an honor for the Fondazione Mediterraneo and for the Anna LIndh Italy Federation (which groups more than a thousand organizations engaged in dialogue and solidarity) to participate in "The Economy of Francesco": the meeting with young economists wanted by the Holy Father, which took place from 19 to 21 November 2020.
Given the health emergency in the world caused by Covid-19, the organizing committee has decided to celebrate the international event entirely online, with live and streaming links with all members and speakers.
Pope Francis has sent an important video message.
The president of the Michele Capasso Foundation underlined the importance of the initiative and the confirmation of two concepts on which the Fondazione Mediterraneo was born thirty years ago, in 1990: "transforming Love for power into the Power of Love and acting with generosity through solidarity".
The next meeting, in person, will always be held in Assisi and is scheduled for autumn 2021, when health conditions will allow everyone to participate.
The organization of the The Economy of Francesco 2020 event in the online version allowed all young people registered to participate in the meeting in the same conditions, to share the lived experience, work, proposals, and reflections gained in recent months in the 12 villages.
The Committee is working to create an innovative, participatory and global follow-up that preserves the peculiar elements of "The Economy of Francesco" (group work, plenary and parallel sessions with keynote speakers, Franciscan spirituality, artistic performances, exhibitions) enriching it with the opportunities and languages ​​that the digital event offers.
"The Economy of Francesco" is a movement of young people with faces, personalities, ideas that moves and lives all over the world for a more just, inclusive and sustainable economy and to give a soul to the economy of tomorrow. The world needs the creativity and love of the participants who, as artisans and producers of the future, are weaving the Economy of Francis.
In the video message, the Pope stressed that the "Economy of Francis" meeting is not a point of arrival "but the initial thrust of a process" that we are invited to live "as a vocation, as a culture and as a pact".

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As part of a collaboration between UNESCO and the Musée, UNESCO launched in November 2019 a series of Master Classes for secondary-school students.
Conceived as spaces for dialogue, they aim to empower young people by strengthening their understanding and capacity to combat discrimination, intolerance, and growing inequalities, as well as promote sustainable impact by engaging youth to become proactive agents of change and trainers within their own schools and communities.
This special edition of UNESCO’s Master Classes against Racism and Discriminations is organized within the framework of World Philosophy Day. It invites young secondary school students to question the prejudices and social stereotypes that lead to racism and discrimination through the critical study of the construction of "the other".
The analysis of racism as a philosophical object will lead these students to deconstruct the concept of "race", decompose their preconceived ideas and adopt innovative anti-racist strategies that they can then implement in their institutions and communities.
In doing so, this Master Class will underline the enduring value of philosophy for the development of human thought for each individual and culture and will support us in the building of a more respectful and tolerant society through collectively exercising reasoned and informed thinking.


  • Introduction of the Master Class by Ms Anna Maria Majlöf, Chief a.i. Inclusion and Rights Section of UNESCO
  • Presentations and interactive discussions with students:
    • Mr Arnaud Demanche, Comedian
    • Prof. Carole Reynaud-Paligot, Historian, sociologist, University of Pantheon-Sorbonne 
    • Prof. Lazare Ki-Zerbo, Philosopher
    • Prof. Rose Boswell, Executive Dean of Arts at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
    • Mr Sanele Xaba, Activist and founder of the Rolled Sleeves Outreach Programme
    • Moderator: Ms Arleen Pimentel, Permanent Delegation of the Dominican Republic to UNESCO
  • Dialogue session to create commitments to be implemented in schools and communities (intervention by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Federazione Anna Lindh Italia)
  • Closing remarks
  • Musical interludes by Ms Paloma Fayet 

Objectives of the Master Class:

  • Empower young people, through this peer-learning forum, by strengthening their understanding and capacity to combat racism and inequalities;
  • Shed light on what underlies issues of racial prejudice and discrimination, and understand how and why they are spread online and offline, in the media, in public space and in all spheres of life;
  • Engage youth to become proactive agents of change and trainers within their own schools, families and communities for a sustainable impact;
  • Inspire policymakers, at the global, national and local levels, community leaders and teachers, to pursue collective efforts in their fight against racism and discrimination.

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After a few months of work - despite the blocks due to “covid 19 - the Fondazione Mediterraneo has completed the portal“ LA CAMPANIA DELLE EMOZIONI ”. Nine videos from 2 to 100 minutes that tell, with 4K high definition images, the beauties of Campania. President Capasso thanked Rosanna Rinaldi, the volunteers and the members of the Scientific Committee who made possible what many call a masterpiece.
Precisely today when Campania is represented at the lowest levels, being able to tell it through the unique beauties of 16 UNESCO heritage attractions is an important fact. The initiative was supported with a co-financing of € 10,000.00 from the UOD 1 "Libraries and Museums" of the Campania Region.

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From Friday 30 October to Sunday 10 January 2021, the "Luci d'Artista" exhibition returns to Turin, reaching its 23rd edition this year.
Among the works created since the first edition there is "Concerto di parole" by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari; since then, in 1998, gigantic sculptures made of expanded polystyrene and painted in bright colors illuminated by powerful headlights seemed to want to break into the darkness of the night: massive in appearance, but in reality light, they were composed of cylinders, parallelepipeds and other solid figures. From that first edition of Luci d'Artista the work was located in the square and via Madama Cristina and the sculptures were placed in part on the roofs of the covered market and in part (the so-called "men" elements) hung in mid-air for a stretch of via Madama Cristina, from corso Vittorio Emanuele II to corso Marconi.
In this edition there is an important novelty constituted by the new location of Mario Molinari's Concerto di parole near the Regina Margherita Hospital (Piazza Polonia, at exit of the underpass of Corso Spezia, in District 8).
The magic of the "sculptor of color" continues

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On the occasion of the 6th International Colloquium on "The Arab World and Europe" - held in Tunis on 22 and 23 October 2020 - President Michele Capasso presented the video on Lampedusa entitled "VOICES OF MIGRANTS".
Appreciation from the participants who recognized the thirty-year commitment of the Fondazione Mediterraneo in favor of migrants.
On this occasion, President Michele Capasso underlined the role of Lampedusa, also affirmed with the awarding of the Mediterranean Institutions Award 2020

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