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The Fondazione Mediterraneo, the Federazione Anna Lindh Italia and other member organizations and associations celebrated the Women's Day at the Museum of Peace - MAMT with a special guest from Romania.
Despite the restrictions due to the spread of the coronavirus, thanks to the video conferencing systems present in the various floors of the museum, it was possible to connect with various Euro-Mediterranean countries and, in particular, with those participating in the "Kimiyya" program launched in 2017 by the Mediterranean Foundation.
President Capasso thanked the women of the various countries that collaborated and, in particular, all the women involved in the front line in the treatment of the patients caused by the spread of the coronavirus epidemic

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The Pontifical Academy for Life, Microsoft, IBM, FAO and the Italian Government are among the first signatories of the "Call for an AI Ethics", a document created to support an ethical approach to Artificial Intelligence and promote between organizations, governments and institutions a sense of shared responsibility with the aim of guaranteeing a future in which digital innovation and technological progress are at the service of human genius and creativity and not their gradual replacement.
The first signatories of the Call thus express the desire to work together, in this context and at national and international level, to promote an "ethical algorithm", ie the development and use of Artificial Intelligence according to the following principles, fundamental of a good innovation: Transparency, in principle artificial intelligence systems must be understandable; of Inclusion, the needs of all human beings must be taken into account so that everyone can benefit and that all individuals can be offered the best possible conditions to express themselves and develop themselves; Responsibility: those who design and implement Artificial Intelligence solutions must proceed with responsibility and transparency; Impartiality: do not create or act according to prejudice, thus safeguarding human equity and dignity; Reliability: Artificial Intelligence systems must be able to function reliably; Security and privacy: Artificial Intelligence systems must function safely and respect user privacy.
First signatories: Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life (sponsor of the initiative); dr. Brad Smith, President of Microsoft; dr. John Kelly III, IBM Executive Vice President, dr. Dongyu Qu, Director General of FAO, Minister Paola Pisano for the Italian government. Dr. Davide Sassoli, President of the European Parliament

The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Federazione Anna Lindh Italia shared and adhered to the document by sharing the content and purposes. President Michele Capasso, present at the event, underlined the importance of this initiative and thanked Msgr. Paglia for promoting it.
After the signing ceremony, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia read the address addressed to the participants by Pope Francis

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Federazione Anna Lindh Italia participated in the event "THE GOOD ALGORITHM? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: ETHICS, LAW, HEALTH "organized in Rome by the Pontifical Academia Pro Vita (Pav).
"A sort of" Paris of technology "which, similarly to that on the climate, brings together computer engineers, with experts on ethics and moral philosophy on the themes of artificial intelligence (Ai)", thus Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia - president of Pav - has defined the double appointment: the general assembly and the related workshop on «The“ good ”algorithm? Ai: ethics, law, health ", which took place in the Vatican from Wednesday 26 to Thursday 27, and to follow the day of Friday 28 at the Auditorium in via della Conciliazione with the signing of the" call "for ethical artificial intelligence.
In the new Synod Hall, the meeting was divided into two phases: the initial day was reserved for academics, the second open to world-renowned scholars; over a thousand people participated instead on the day of the 28th when there was the signature of a call presented to Pope Francis.
Archbishop Paglia stressed that there is "a need for a strong moral ambition to humanize the technique and not technologize the human".
After all, continued the president of the Pav, "the intent is to create a movement involving public institutions, NGOs, industries to produce a direction in the development and use of technologies derived from AI". Therefore, he pointed out, "the first signing of this call is not a point of arrival, but a beginning for a commitment that appears urgent".
Previously, Monsignor Paglia had revealed how it came to the choice of the theme: "He asked to see me - he revealed - the new president of Microsoft, Brad Smith. In summary he tells me: "we have a wealth of enormous potential for progress and equally terrible prospects for irreversibly polluting the human being. We are aware of this enormous responsibility. Among us there are only engineers and almost no expert in ethics, in moral philosophy. We would like to ask you, while maintaining full freedom and total autonomy, to accompany us as interlocutors in our work. We do not need any conference, but to have you as travel companions, to always place human dignity at the center "". Similar requests, he continued, then came "from the president of IBM, Google, Huawei and others". Also because, he concluded, especially in the face of the predictive power of machines, the Pav "feels called to investigate the specific impact of technologies on the medical and health world and on the care and protection of life. Human activity in these sectors appears increasingly broken down into multiple elements that are not easily attributable to the control or will of individuals. This new modality particularly challenges the medical and health professions which have as their object fundamental values ​​such as those connected with corporeality and human life ».
The president Michele Capasso, present at the event, underlined the need for specific training in AI, necessarily interdisciplinary and continuous, that accompanies the professional throughout his career and is able to constantly follow global changes, very managed often from an anarchist and undemocratic globalization

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Anna Lindh Italy Federation - in particular the members of Puglia - participated in the "Mediterranean frontier of peace" reflection and spirituality meeting organized by the Italian Episcopal Conference.
Sixty bishops from the Mediterranean countries reflected on the current situation and on the indispensable interreligious dialogue.
Cardinal Bassetti said that Giorgio La Pira's dream has come true.
The event ended with the meeting of Pope Francis with the Cardinals and Bishops of the various countries representing the Catholic churches of the Mediterranean
President Capasso said he was impressed by the depth and importance of this initiative which is in full harmony with the action that the Mediterranean Foundation for dialogue and peace in the region has pursued for thirty years, "with a recognized anticipatory awareness when then, very few spoke of the Mediterranean”

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Anna Lindh Italy Federationin particular the members of Puglia - participated in the celebration of the Holy Mass presided over by Pope Francis at the conclusion of the meetings of the CEI "Mediterranean frontier of Peace". The celebration was attended by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella.
President Capasso said he was moved by this initiative which made Giorgio La Pira's dream come true, which inspired the birth of the Mediterranean Foundation just 30 years ago.

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