Complete Lest || of events

During the ceremony held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT the WORLD PEACE FORUM was presented.
Present at the ceremony ministers, ambassadors and representatives of international institutions.
Between these:

  • H.E. Dr. ManaSaeed Al-Otaiba (United Arab Emirates)
  • H.E. Saqer Nasser Alraisi (Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Rome).
  • H.E. Ibrahim Al Balaoui (Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO).
  • H.E. CheikhaWafae Al Khalifa (Ambassador of Bahrain to UNESCO).
  • H.E. Hassan Abouyoub (Ambassador of Morocco to Rome).
  • H.E. Dr. CheikhKhaled bin Khalifa Al Khalifa (Bahrain).
  • H.E. Dr. Mustapha Bakkoury (President of the Region of Casablanca, Morocco).
  • H.E. Dr. Mohamed Kabbaj (Morocco).
  • H.E. Mustapha Bakkoury, president of Region of Casablanca.
  • Hon. Claudio Azzolini, g.v. President of the Council of Europe (Italy).
  • Ing. Roberto Reggi (Italy)
  • Prof. AdelhakAzzouzi (Maroc).
  • Prof. AsmaAlaoui (Maroc).
  • Prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra (Italy).
  • Prof. Domenico De Masi (Italy)
  • Consul of France in Naples Jean Paul Seytre.
  • Consul of Spain in Naples José Luis Solano Gadea.
  • Consul of Tunisia in Naples Beya Ben Abdelbaki.
  • Dr.ssa Alessandra Sardu, conseillor of City of Naples
  • Dr. Salvatore Calleri (Président of Fondation Caponnetto, Italy).

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On the occasion of a meeting between the director general of the National Youth Agency (NYA) Giacomo D'Arrigo and the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso it has been decided that NYA will participate in the "WORLD PEACE FORUM" granting the patronage to the important initiative for peace that will involve young people from all over the world.

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The mission of the "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" constitutes a fundamental pillar for the defence and salvation of humanity.
Pandemics and fratricidal wars are changing the world and an epochal transformation is taking place that requires a similar cultural transformation with a new beginning and new paradigms: first and foremost, respect for the fundamental rights of the human person for the creation of a society in which all values can be shared and unfold in their entirety.