Complete Lest || of events

During a friendly meeting with the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris, President Michele Capasso illustrated the WORLD PEACE FORUM by announcing an agreement with the University of Naples and the City of Naples.

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The President Michele Capasso spoke at the Council and the Assembly of ALIS - Association for Logistics and Sustainable Intermodality - held in Rome at the headquarters of the association.
On this occasion Capasso recalled the commitment of the Fondazione Mediterraneo since 1989 for the motorways of the sea and sustainable intermodality as an essential tool for peace, cooperation and shared development: in short, a fundamental action to form a coalition of shared values ​​and interests on which to base the growth and development of the Euro-Mediterranean region.
"Bringing Italy back to the center of the great European investments that see the Mediterranean as the last positive protagonist of our economy, also increasing commercial traffic with the economic realities of North Africa".
This is one of the strategic lines expressed by the vice-minister and undersecretary at the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport Edoardo Rixi who spoke in Rome at the assembly of ALIS members, chaired by dr. Guido Grimaldi.
"We must have a strong and aggressive line - continued Undersecretary Rixi - on an international scale that shows the route of investment in the Mare Nostrum. Europe today exerts its interests almost exclusively on economies that involve commercial traffic in the north of the continent, often exploiting exclusively the North Sea routes ".
“Our country has an obvious geographical advantage in being a peninsula. We must also translate this into an economic advantage by exploiting the lines of the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian Sea.
The ALIS through its 1.300 member companies, under the hat of intermodal transport, is a valuable interlocutor to make Italy return to be an excellence, because only by making the system can you get flattering results. And the Government is certainly available and next to the business world when, in reality like these -
concluded Edoardo Rixi - you are able to make operational proposals that take environmental sustainability into account ".
ALIS President Guido Grimaldi said he was "proud of the Government's interest in the realities expressed by the association" and shared commitment and strategies with Undersecretary Edoardo Rixi.
"The priority - said Grimaldi - is the internationalization of our economy, also aiming to give new impetus to the development of the South as a real added value of the Italian system. And our association was born with the aim of creating a system. With this in mind at the beginning of September I will also meet with the European Transport Commissioner VioletaBulc to discuss the main issues affecting the world of intermodal transport in Europe and the role that Italy must play in this scenario ".
At the conclusion of the meeting the President of ALIS Guido Grimaldi handed over to the Deputy Minister EdoardoRixi a program document of the association.
The Undersecretary for the Presidency of the Council for the “Mezzogiorno” Pina Castiello who underlined the importance of logistics and sustainable intermodality for the South of Italy and for the ports of the South.

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Massimo Giletti promotes and supports the WORLD PEACE FORUM. During the meeting for the Mare Nostrum Award, the journalist presented with the President Capasso the event, present various personalities from the political, cultural and entrepreneurial world.
President Capasso hoped that both Giletti and Bruno Vespa - present at the ceremony - could lend a hand to this important peace initiative.

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The international meeting took place at the Venice Lido: an evocative journey and an encounter between the most famous and beloved figures in the world, San Nicola.
Organized by FISPMED onlus - member of the Anna Lindh Federation - the meeting was attended, among others, by President Michele Capasso who presented a preview of the "World Peace Forum".
The president of FISPMED (non-profit organization) Roberto Russo has announced that the edition of the "Festa della Sensa and San Nicola" of 2019 will be dedicated to the development of the "World Peace Forum" conceived and organized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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