Complete Lest || of events

President Michele Capasso presented the "World Peace Forum" to the participants in the seventh edition of "IMUN - Napoli", the largest simulation of diplomatic processes organized in Campania with the participation of more than 400 students from Italian secondary schools.
The debate on the themes of peace that involved the young participants in the meeting was intense.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo took part in the international meeting organized by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and which was attended by speakers from various countries.
There are numerous issues addressed with the aim of giving back to sport an essential role in the process of social cohesion.
The Foundation intervened Giusi Badalamenti who welcomed President Capasso's greetings and presented the Foundation's thirty-year activity and the upcoming World Peace Forum, which will have as its main theme "Sport tool for peace".

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The 7th World Peace Forum will be organized in cooperation with the Office of Presidential Special Envoy for Interfaith and Inter-Civilizational Dialogue and Cooperation of Republic of Indonesia and bears a great theme namely “The Middle Path for the New World Civiliziation”, to respond the current situation where crisis of civilization is taking place in many parts of the world. Such crisis of civilization is rooted at the dynamic world system that put human interest as the solely purpose of human being to become an unfortunate object of human exploitation. This situation has created many problems such as climate change, food insecurity, energy scarcity, natural disasters, war, and economic as well as financial crisis. This also encouraged the emergence of secularism, and extremism, that become world-dominated ideology and worse, at the same time the world is also experiencing disorder from global to local, from ethnic conflicts to wars. Undoubtedly, our world needs a new approach to promote world peace. In this juncture, this year’s Forum will discuss that new approach namely the Middle Path.
This was the main theme of the 7th World Peace Forum on interreligious dialogue, held in Jakarta from August 14 to 16, in which 43 countries participated with religious leaders, academics and thinkers, scholars and activists.
The Foundation supports this initiative, also in the life of the World Peace Forum scheduled in Naples in July 2019, which was presented on this occasion together with the United States of the World, whose "Standard Bearers" titles were awarded to the participants at the meeting.

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On the occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, President Michele Capasso presented the WORLD PEACE FORUM based on the values of equality and respect for human rights at the base of the life of the South African president who died in 2013.
The Councilor for the City of Naples Alessandra Sardu stressed the importance of the initiative and the role of the City of Naples to ensure the due success.
At the end of the work, an invitation was made to the representatives of the institutions and associations present to collaborate on this significant event for Italy and for the city of Naples.

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