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The United States of the World with the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the women's peace network "Kimiyya" support the third "World March for Peace and Nonviolence" that will take place in 2024 to denounce the dangerous world situation with growing conflicts, increased arms expenditures while, at the same time, in vast areas of the planet many populations suffer due to lack of food and water.
The main objectives are:

  • Continue to create awareness that only through 'peace' and 'non-violence' will the human species open up its future.
  • To make visible the various positive actions that people, communities and peoples are developing in numerous places in the direction of the application of human rights, non-discrimination, cooperation, peaceful coexistence and non-aggression.
  • Giving voice to the new generations who want to take over and make their mark by installing the culture of non-violence in the collective imagination, in education, in politics, in society...

In the same way that ecological awareness has been installed in just a few years.
The central issues to be addressed are:

  • The prohibition of nuclear weapons. Proportional disarmament and the renunciation of states to use war to resolve conflicts or to appropriate resources. "We are determined to avoid wars for future generations".
  • The re-founding of the United Nations, including the addition to the Security Council of an Environmental Security Council and a Socio-Economic Security Council. "United Nations watching over all citizens of the planet".
  • The creation of conditions for a fully sustainable planet, taking into account the fact that this is a limited space that we absolutely must take care of. "Earth is everyone's home".
  • The integration of regions and areas with socio-economic systems in order to ensure well-being and resources for all, with the goal of eliminating world hunger in the next 10 years. "We want to eliminate hunger in human history".

The United States of the World says "No" to discrimination of any kind: gender, age, race, religion, economy, etc. "No human being above another". Nonviolence as a new culture and active nonviolence as a methodology of action. "Nonviolence is the force that transforms the world".

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The United States of the World organised the "World Volunteer Day" in various countries.
The coordinator of the "Volunteering and Human Rights" section of the United States of the World, Senator Giuseppe Lumia, spoke at a significant meeting promoted in Padua by the Luciano Tavazza Association and the new European Volunteer Network (Re.V.E., which recalls the French "rêve", i.e. dream).
In Padua, the proposal to amend the Third Sector Code was presented.
A proposal that sums up the discomfort experienced today by the Volunteers of the small but vital groups, which act in local communities, and of the territorial and national Networks, which still have the desire to change the path of humanity through the concrete example of promoting new relationships and sharing with those who live the condition of discomfort, marginalisation and loneliness.
A proposal that has these objectives: 

  1. to overcome the currently asphyxiating excess of bureaucratic and fiscal constraints in the Code on the Third Sector and in particular on organised volunteering.
  2. make it clear that Volunteering is necessarily free of charge and has exclusive aims of altruity, proximity, education and solidarity in all fields of social and cultural action.
  3. make it clear that Volunteering must have relations with institutions of "high integration" and not of vassalage or prostration to the powerful.

Modern volunteering is not welfare, it is not called upon to 'plug the holes' produced by society, the economy and politics. Rather, it is a concrete experience that, if done with conscience and preparation, changes the lives of volunteers and supports those profound changes that are needed more than ever within our consciences, in relationships and in the most dramatic situations of human existence, which has to deal with inequalities of all kinds, with devastating wars, with the expansion of substance and behavioural addictions, with the worsening of gender discrimination, which then unleash unspeakable violence, with the spread of mafias, increasingly collusive and powerful, with the still underestimated climate change, just to mention the main crises underway.

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Senators of the Italian Republic Cecilia D'Elia and Antonio Misiani visited the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace: on this occasion they signed the "Kimiyya" manifesto for women's rights.
Welcomed by Secretary-General Michele Capasso, Senators D'Elia and Misiani-the latter a former deputy minister of economy-emphasized the importance of the United States of the World's action for the Earth and for Peace.

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A delegation from the United States of the World took part in the various sessions of the UNESCO International Conference "Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century" held in Naples from 27 to 29 November 2023.
On this occasion, the long-standing relations with UNESCO were emphasised: from the visits of former Directors-General Mayor and Bokova to the programmes on water and cultural heritage, coordinated by United States of the World members Maurizio Iaccarino (former UNESCO Deputy Director) and Massimo Pica Ciamarra.
Secretary-General Michele Capasso then retraced the main stages since 1987 and underlined the importance in the Constitution of the United States of the World of the articles devoted to climate change, ecological conversion and the protection of cultural heritage - tangible and intangible - in perfect harmony with UNESCO's mission and the issues addressed by the Naples conference.
Among other things, the numerous visits of André Azoulay - Advisor to the King of Morocco and father of the current UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay - to the United States of the World headquarters were recalled.
A number of delegates visited the United States of the World headquarters and the Museum of Peace and were impressed by the beauty of the site, an emotional heritage of humanity, and by the 4K videos of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Campania and other places around the world.

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Representatives of the associations of psychologists from the various European countries united in the "EFPA" (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations) meeting in the "board" and "council" at the Peace Museum visited the section dedicated to Raffaele Capasso in the Museum of Peace, expressing their appreciation for the Mayor of the reconstruction of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio.
In particular, EFPA President Prof. Christoph Steinebach, highlighted the educational and training value of Raffaele Capasso's life and political experience.

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