Complete Lest || of events

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Prof. Michele Capasso, spoke at the General Assembly of the Tavazza Association for 2022-2025.
On this occasion, President Capasso gave a report on the role of volunteering as a fundamental action for peace and presented the Foundation's programme dedicated to the "United States of the World" and the "United States of Europe".

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The first issue of the year 2022 of the "OBSERVATORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" was published.
Published by the Fondazione Mediterraneo since 1989 in 8 languages, it is the editorial factory of the "United States of the World". The aim is to represent the efforts made to share knowledge in order to combat pandemics, inequalities, social injustice, conflicts and anything else that goes against the fundamental principles of safeguarding human dignity at global level.
The magazine also summarises the activities carried out at the Naples headquarters and in the branch offices.

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The "International Executive Committee" (IEC) of the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo met in Naples on 21 and 28 March 2022.
Among the topics discussed was the decision to maintain the institutional headquarters and the Museum of Peace in the historic Palazzo Pierce in Naples.
Thanks to the high institutional sensitivity of the Prefect of Naples, H.E. Claudio Palomba - who visited the Museum and the institutional premises at length and in depth on 15 March 2022 - and the concrete commitment of the Regional Directorate of the Agenzia del Demanio, it was possible to reassure the partner countries that the premises and the Museum would remain in place.
The final ratification will take place on 30 June 2022 at the end of the renewal of the state concessions, as explicitly assured in a note from the same regional directorate.

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After a presentation by the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, the Ambassador of Afghanistan to Italy, Khaled Ahmad Zekriya, joined the project of the United States of the World that the Fondazione Mediterraneo - based on an intuition of Gustavo Rol - is carrying out with the adhesion of many countries.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Anna Lindh Italy Federation participated in several sessions at COP 26 in Glasgow, sharing concerns about the lack of shared incisive action essential to curb climate change and allow the survival of mankind on earth.
President Capasso shared the concerns expressed by Barak Obama and other speakers, and once again proposed the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD project. "Only if a unitary political and institutional space is identified - even if only by changing the name of the UN - will it be possible to face the great challenges ahead of us together.
The absence of China and Russia is serious and joint initiatives between the European Union and the other world partners must be taken in this respect. No serious action can be taken if those who are responsible for half of the pollution do not participate and adhere," said President Capasso.

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