Complete Lest || of events

A ceremony was held at the Farnesina to designate Moez Eddine Sinaoui, Ambassador of Tunisia to Italy, as 'Ambassador of the United States of the World'.
The award was presented by Senator Stefania Craxi, President of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Senate of the Italian Republic, and Prof. Michele Capasso, Secretary General of the United States of the World.
Present at the ceremony were:

  • Inigo Lambertini, Ambassador - Head of the Diplomatic Ceremonial of the Republic;
  • Manuela Ruosi, Head of Office I of the Diplomatic Ceremonial of the Republic;
  • Abdelkrim Touahria, Algerian Ambassador to Italy;
  • Enas Mekkaury, Head of the Mission of the League of Arab States in Italy;
  • Alfredo Conte, Minister Plenipotentiary - Central Director for Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Countries;
  • Raimondo De Cardona, former Italian Ambassador to Tunisia;
  • Fabrizio Saggio, Italian Ambassador to Tunisia;
  • Leila El Houssi, Professor of African History - University "La Sapienza";
  • Gualsiero Zamperini, Consul of Tunisia in Florence.

Secretary General Capasso emphasised Ambassador Sinaoui's role in supporting the aims and actions of the "United States of the World", especially at this difficult time in human history.

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SANDRO GAMBINO has left this earth.
Friend, enlightened politician, avant-garde entrepreneur with a great Love: his TORRE DEL GRECO.
Founder in 2000 with Shimon Peres and other Heads of State of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD, he was a convinced supporter until the end.
The positive energy of His enthusiasm will accompany us in supporting future challenges for Torre del Greco, for the Greater Mediterranean, for the United States of the World.

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The Consul of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Naples, Angelo Melone, has been designated "Ambassador"of the United States of the World and, in particular, for Africa as part of the "United States of Africa" programme.
During a ceremony at the Naples headquarters, Secretary General Michele Capasso conferred the appointment on Consul Melone together with an official letter for Dr. DENIS MUKWEGE, recipient of the "United States of the World for Peace 2022" award.

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Large crowds flocked to the United States of the World headquarters to celebrate Italian Republic Day.
On the large videowalls in various rooms the live coverage of the various ceremonies.
The first was when the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, paid homage to the Monument of the Unknown Soldier at the Altar of the Fatherland and attended the Parade at the Imperial Forums.
The Head of State, accompanied by the Minister of Defence and the Chief of Defence Staff, reviewed the Department of Honour deployed with Flag and Band.
President Mattarella then laid a laurel wreath at the Shrine of the Unknown Soldier, in memory of all the soldiers and civilians who have served and serve the State with commitment and abnegation, in the presence of the Presidents of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, the Prime Minister and the President of the Constitutional Court.
At the end, the Frecce Tricolori flew over Piazza Venezia.
The Head of State then attended the Military Parade at the Fori Imperiali, which ended with the overflight of the Frecce Tricolori.
The second when the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, greeted in the afternoon the approximately 2,300 citizens who visited the Quirinale Gardens on the occasion of 2 June, Republic Day.
This year, the customary opening of the Gardens to the public was dedicated to people with disabilities represented by national associations.
In cooperation with the Miur (Ministry of Education, University and Research), some refugee children from Ukraine attending the 'W.A. Mozart' Comprehensive Institute in Rome were invited, protagonists of a path of integration and social inclusion.

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The Secretary General (SG) of the "United States of the World" Prof. Michele Capasso, on the sidelines of the "ALIS ON TOUR" meeting, presented the "United States of the World" and the importance of the cocnreta action carried out for 33 years for peace and shared development to the ministers and politicians present.
To Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese, the SG emphasised the importance of the actions in the area of the reception and integration of migrants and refugees that the "United States of the World" has been carrying out since 1990 in cooperation with associations and organisations from the voluntary sector and civil society.
The Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies Mariastella Gelmini the SG illustrated the "Towards the South" programme launched by the "United States of the World" in 1992 and aimed at rebalancing Europe in the Greater Mediterranean with a special role for Southern Italy in the areas of tourism, land and sea resources and cultural heritage.
To the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Luigi Di Maio, the SG illustrated the initiatives in the areas of peace and dialogue carried out by the 'United States of the World' since 1989, with the significant 'Forums' of Napolim, Marseilles and Barcelona constituting milestones for international diplomatic action.
To the Minister for Disabilities, Erika Stefani, the SG highlighted the significant initiatives carried out by the "United States of the World" since 1992 in the sphere of disability protection understood as a "transversal matter that crosses all our living".
To the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, Elena Bonetti, the SG highlighted the priority actions of the 'United States of the World' in the areas of gender equality and support for families and women's work.
The importance of the United States of the World was also illustrated by the SG to a number of Under Secretaries: Assuntela Messina (Technological Innovation and Digital Transition), Dalila Nesci (South and Territorial Cohesion), Giorgio Mulè (Defence).

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