Complete Lest || of events

Once again this year, the Foundation and its networks organised direct meetings with the European Parliament and other institutions at the Museum of Peace - MAMT to celebrate Europe Day on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the Schuman Declaration.
On this occasion, President Capasso emphasised the importance of the UNITED STATES OF EUROPE as a fundamental pillar of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD, whose action is accelerating and finding consensus at the global level, thanks to the "war-pandemic" binomial that has highlighted the problems of the UN and the European Union itself, linked to a governance unsuited to the changes and difficult moment in world history.

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With a ceremony followed by Holy Mass celebrated in the chapel dedicated to St. Giovanni Paolo II, the 20th anniversary of the Holy Pope's visit to Ischia was commemorated.
On that occasion he addressed a message of support for the "United States of the World", stating: "Peace is action and the United States of the World that you are building and spreading requires courage and hope, qualities that you do not lack. At the beginning of this millennium, after the fall of the Berlin Wall at the end of the last century, your initiative is precious and necessary because it has at its heart the values of the three "A's": Listening, Welcoming, Love.
May God bless you!

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The Secretary General of the United States of the World, Prof. Michele Capasso, gave an interview in which he reviewed the international organisation's 33 years of activity and announced the forthcoming opening of its renovated headquarters in Naples with the memorial "Lest We Forget" and the "Towards the South" programme.

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A seminar on the theme 'Western Identity in 2022' was held at the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace.
Speakers included the Secretary General of the United States of the World Michele Capasso, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Gennaro Migliore, Paolo Macry, Geremia Gaudino, Peppino Ossorio, Annarita Patriarca, Gianfranco Savino, Antonio Solano and Luigi Caramiello.

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Frédéric Rosmini, former Member of the European Parliament, member of the Regional Council of the Region "Provence - Côte d'Azur" and of Cities for Peace visited the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Peace Museum.
Welcomed by Secretary General Michele Capasso, he expressed his appreciation for a place where peace can be breathed, wishing to return because it takes a long time "to appreciate the wonders of the place".
There was particular emotion in the rooms dedicated to Raffaele Capasso. Socialist mayor of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio and architect of the reconstruction.

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