Complete Lest || of events

The Italy of enterprises and territories protagonists of today and tomorrow.  After the great success of the first edition of LET EXPO, ALIS continues its associative activity with a tour to discover Southern Italy!
Guido Grimaldi: "The presence of Ministers Lamorgese, Gelmini, Stefani, Bonetti e Di Maio, dei Sottosegretari Messina, Nesci and Mulè, Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies Rosato and many distinguished guests is a further sign of great appreciation for the work done by the transport and logistics sector".
This is how ALIS President Guido Grimaldi comments on the first appointment of 'ALIS ON TOUR. L'Italia in movimento alla scoperta del Mezzogiorno" (Italy on the move to discover Southern Italy), which will see the Association play a leading role next 14 June in Naples, on 5 July in Manduria (Taranto) and, finally, on 2 August in Catania.
The day's proceedings were kicked off by an interview with the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese, who emphasised precisely the importance recognised for the sector, also in terms of security, considering "what has been done by the logistics cluster represented by ALIS during the lockdown and the help given to the system with the punctual transport of goods, thanks to which Italians have never suffered shortages of any goods. In this regard, the many funds that will be allocated to reducing the distances between North and South, such as those on the high-speed rail network, are very important, and I believe that the PNRR funds can be used precisely to reduce these distances: it is essential that we move forward along this line".

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The Secretary General of the "United States of the World" prof. Michele Capasso expressed condolences to the Abu Dhabi authorities for the disappearance of the President of the United Arab Emirates and Emir of Abu Dhabi, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nayan.
The Secretary General recalled the support for the "United States of the World" by the United Arab Emirates and the collaborations with important Emirati institutes, first of all the "Emirates Center for strategic studies and research".
On this occasion, Michele Capasso greeted the new president of the Emirates and Emir of Abu Dhabi, Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, hoping for the continuation of fruitful collaborations on the issues of peace and shared development.

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The first edition of the Forum 'Verso Sud' (Towards the South), organised by the Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion and The European House - Ambrosetti, was held on 13 and 14 May 2022 in Sorrento. The aim of the Forum was to present a vision and development agenda for Southern Italy, focusing on its role as a strategic hub and connection platform for Europe in the Mediterranean and Wider Mediterranean macro-area of reference.
The initiative hosted the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, the President of the Chamber of Deputies Roberto Fico, the Prime Minister Mario Draghi, 9 Ministers of the Italian Government, 2 European Commissioners, 5 representatives of the Enlarged Mediterranean Governments, business leaders and opinion makers from the countries of the area, for a two-day debate and networking.
During the Forum, the 'White Paper' on the relaunch of Southern Italy in the European and Enlarged Mediterranean framework was presented.
The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, congratulated the Minister for the South, Mara Carfagna, noting, in a message sent to her, "hopeful synergies" and hoping for fruitful cooperation also in view of the PNRR.
Already in 1990, the Fondazione Mediterraneo - in the context of the United States of the World - presented the "Greater Mediterranean" in Brussels, and in 1997 - in the presence of 3000 delegates and various Heads of State and Government, including President Scalfaro and Shimon Peres - the "Verso Sud" programme, the main points of which, after 25 years, are still consistent with those proposed during the two days in Sorrento.

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The presentation of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD was held at the Circolo Nautico in Torre del Greco: an international organisation founded in 1989 that includes States, Regions, Cities and civil society organisations with the aim of sharing knowledge to combat social injustice, wars, pandemics, resource dissipation and climate change.
The fundamental objective is the affirmation of freedom and equality through the application of fundamental human rights.
On this occasion, the Secretary General prof. arch. MICHELE CAPASSO addressed the topic: "THE UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD AND THE POSSIBLE REFLECTIONS ON THE CITY OF TORRE DEL GRECO".
Dr. Sandro Gambino, delegate member of the United States of the World, presented the "FARO" Cultural Association, one of the main objectives of which is to develop the proposal of Secretary General Capasso that is "a unique opportunity for Torre del Greco and Campania".
The Mayor of Torre del Greco Giovanni Palomaba said he was honoured by the proposal, assuring every intervention and collaboration to implement it.

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The Secretary General prof. arch. Michele Capasso presented the City of Torre del Greco with a copy of the 'United States of the World' flag.
On the same occasion, the original draft of the flag approved by the Member States with the signature of the first President Shimon Peres was handed over to Dr. Sandro Gambino, delegate member, in recognition of the dedication, passion and commitment shown by Dr. Gambino since the year 2000 in Marseille for the United States of the World and for the City of Torre del Greco.

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