Complete Lest || of events

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso participates in the musical show on Judge Anthony Caponnetto.
The courage and example of an anti-Mafia judge in words and music.

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It took place in Florence on 23 november 2013 at Spedale del Bigallo the 1° Summit of Mediterranean dealing with the problems of organized criminality. The Summit has been opened by Senate’s President Pietro Grasso. There were important speeches by Sen. Lumia, Sen. Giarrusso, Renato Scalia, Sen. Diana, Claudio Gherardini, Claudio Loiodice, Roberto Terzo, Prefect Cirillo Vice Head of State Police and Substitute of National Antimafia Prosecutor Giusto Sciacchitano joined in behalf of National Prosecutor Franco Roberti. Sponsor of the meeting was Nonna Betta Caponnetto. Moderated the meeting the President of  Caponnetto Foundation. The summit was organized by Caponnetto Foundation together with Omcom and Fondazione Mediterraneo. Joined a delegation of San Marino’s citizens engaged against mafia and come along with Gianni Ricciardi.

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The Ellenika operation showed the existence of international narcomafia groups working together.
In particular Albanians, Serbians and Italians. Three levels: Albanians engaged in trafficking, Serbians whom are working as carriers and Italians in Pescara whom are selling the drugs. Also Bosnia is engaged. Heroine come from Afghanistan.

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