Complete Lest || of events

Took place in San Marino the 3° Antimafia Summit, with the participation –among others – of State Secretary  Gian Carlo Venturini and Giuseppe Maria Morganti, Italian Ambassador in San Marino Republic Barbara Bregato, of  Senator Mario Michele Giarrusso, Member of Antimafia Parliamentar Commission , Senator Lorenzo Diana, League of Legality, Salvatore Calleri, president of Caponnetto Foundation,  Domenico Bilotta, Caponnetto Foundation National Responsible for School, Michele Capasso, president of  Fondazione Mediterraneo. The last one, during his speech, not only dealt with the mafia problem, but also about foreign policy: “There are no more big statesmen as were in the past and this is the most important reason because there is brutality based on illegality.” Still, I’ll tell to youngs that this is the time to dare, to be peace makers. The challenge is everyone has the power of his life in his hands. San Marino’s role is important:  you are a small Republic, talking about physical dimensions of your state, but for your History you are great.” From this point starting  the relaunch of a project which could comport youth exchange all over the world, from needy areas from Italy, Europe and all over the world in order to bring their visible experience. San Marino’s history will be part of “MAMT – Mediterrean  Museum of Arts, Music and Traditions” established by Fondazione Mediterraneo which will open by the end of the year.

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At San Marino, during the third antimafia summit, presidents of  Caponnetto Foundation, Salvatore Calleri, and Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, with Sen. Mario Giarrusso from Antimafia Parliamentar Commission of Italian republic, presented and illustrated the aims and activities of  OMCOM (Mediterranean Observatory about organized criminality and mafie) to Internal Affairs and Justice State Secretary Giancarlo Venturini.

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Presentation: Piero Grasso, President of the Italian Senate

“...Today, as President of the Senate, I called to a role in ensuring that prevents me from getting to the heart of the process of formation of the law and even to vote on the laws. But not for this I gave up the struggle for the rule of law and justice. This is a goal to which we must all contribute, with a renewed ethical impulse and an even greater technical knowledge of the phenomenon.
I am sure that this Report, extraordinarily innovative in its ability to analyze the mafia infiltration, would have liked to Anthony Caponnetto, hero symbol of this struggle…
His courage, his strength , his ability to create harmony and harmony in the work are now the lifeblood dellaFondazione that bears his name, engaged in the front line against organized crime, in particular through the continued work of training and awareness raising to young people, the future citizens of our country. Without the commitment of the Foundation Anthony Caponnetto and all other associations that struggle every day for the rule of law would we be today certainly more helpless in the fight against the mafia…”.

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