Complete Lest || of events

Under the Patronage of Italian Republic President and organized by Caponnetto Foundation - in collaboration with OMCOM and  Fondazione Mediterraneo -  took place in Bagno a Ripoli, in Spedale del Bigallo, the “XX° Antimafia Summit” and the “3° Mediterranean Summit”.
The meeting had been managed by Salvatore Càlleri and joined as spokeperson: Senato’s President Pietro Grasso, the president of Sicily Region Rosario Crocetta, president Rosy Bindi, the judge Catello Maresca, president Michele Capasso, i senators Lorenzo Diana e Mario Michele Giarrusso, the journalist Claudio Gherardini and others.
In this occasion president Capasso stressed the importance to struggle the action of the so called “Legal criminality”: from the clearance sale to multinational corporation to the resources’s waste by international organs which in actuality should face poverty, waste and hunger.

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Il Presidente della Fondazione Caponnetto e Assessore all'energia della Regione Sicilia ha ricevuto dalle mani del Procuratore della Repubblica di Catania dott. Salvi il Premio Nazionale di giornalismo giudiziario e investigativo "Domenico Calabrò 2014" per aver dato vita ai blog e

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It took place May 17, 2014 in Bagno a Ripoli (FI) at the Hospital of the Bigallo the 2nd Summit of the Mediterranean on crime in the Mediterranean dell'Omcom in front of a mixed audience composed of professionals and students from the project sentries.
The Summit was chaired by the President of the Fondazione Caponnetto Salvatore Calleri.
Significant contributions were made of speakers: David Ellero of Europol, Giorgio Giombetti expert Caponnetto Foundation which controls the training center of the Green Berets of the Guardia di Finanza in Orvieto, Massimo Scuderi journalist expert Intelligencee the magistrate of Rome Paola Di Nicola.
The speakers were the referent for San Marino dell'Omcom Gianni Ricciardi and the mayors of Bagno a Ripoli and of Cascina.

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"The weakness of the borders, the failure of the Arab Spring and the new emerging crime OMCOM make an indispensable tool for the region's future." This was said by Senate President Pietro Grasso at the conclusion of the presentation ceremony Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafia (OMCOM) shown in the Sala Zuccari of the Senate by the President of the Fondazione Caponnetto Salvatore Calleri and the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso. Joined to the meeting members by two institutions, experts and representatives from Mediterranean countries.
On this occasion the Min.Pl. Enrico Granara - coordinator of the Euro-Mediterranean policies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - presented to the President of the Senate RIDE - Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue, recently founded and of which the OMCOM part.
At the conclusion of the ceremony Elizabeth Caponnetto and Pia Molinari handed to the President Grasso a copy of the "Totem of Peace" by Mario Molinari.

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