Complete Lest || of events

Morocco adheres to the aims of the OMCOM - the Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafias established by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Caponnetto Foundation.
They discussed it during a meeting at the Fondazione Mediterraneo:

  • H.E. Hassan Abouyoub (Ambassador of Morocco to Rome).
  • H.E. Dr. Mohamed Kabbaj (Morocco).
  • H.E. Dr. Mustapha Bakkoury, president of the Casablanca Region (Morocco)
  • Prof. Adelhak Azzouzi (Morocco).
  • Prof. Asma Alaoui (Morocco).
  • Dr. Salvatore Calleri (President of Caponnetto Foundation, Italy).
  • Prof. Michele Capasso (President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo).

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The 24th Anti-Mafia Summit organized by OMCOM took place at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT: the Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafias established by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Caponnetto Foundation.
Experts and protagonists of the fight against the mafia participated as well as journalists and magistrates engaged every day to fight organized crime and the mafia.

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The 4th Mediterranean  Summit organized by OMCOM took place at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT: the Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafias established by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Caponnetto Foundation.
Experts and protagonists of the fight against the mafia participated as well as journalists and magistrates engaged every day to fight organized crime and the mafia.

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At the end of the 24th Anti-Mafia Summit organized by the Caponnetto Foundation in collaboration with the OMCOM (Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafia) and the Fondazione Mediterraneo it has been established to carry out every year the Summit in Naples at the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo which becomes, in this way, also a permanent forum for confrontation on the "fight against the mafia".

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The Federation Anna Lindh Italia Onlus - a network of 1,000 Italian organizations working for dialogue and international cooperation - has collaborated in the "XXIIIrd ANTIMAFIA NATIONAL SUMMIT" organized by the Caponnetto Foundation and OMCOM, among the founding members of the "Federation".
On this occasion the results of the international conference KIMIYYA were presented and the state of play was illustrated after MAECI's initiative not to recognize the representativeness of the "FEDERATION".

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