Complete Lest || of events

Štefan Füle, Neighbourhood Policies European Commissioner and his wife, in visit to MAMT museum have been welcomed by president Capasso.
Füle plaused this incomparable museum listed by Unesco and expresses the will to use European grants in order to transform the expositive wings in a multimedia way, which will render the MAMT an unique exemplar in Europe.

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The President of the Anna Lindh Foundation and Advisor to the King of Morocco André Azoulay visited the Museum MAMT accompanied by President Capasso.
It is excited in the section dedicated to Raffaele Capasso and one dedicated to Arab culture.
During his speech recalled the importance of this place and the visits of Presidents Palestinian Arafat and Abu Mazen as a significant moment in the international role of the Foundation.

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Štefan Füle, Neighbourhood Policies European Commissioner and his wife, in visit to MAMT museum have been welcomed by president Capasso.
Füle plaused this incomparable museum listed by Unesco and expresses the will to use European grants in order to transform the expositive wings in a multimedia way, which will render the MAMT an unique exemplar in Europe.

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In occasion of the tenth anniversary of Anna Lindh Foundation and the 25 years of Fondazione Mediterraneo the leaders of 42 national network and members of Consultative Committee ALF visited MAMT enjoying its collections and the Mediterranean memories which  the Museum hosts.

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