Complete Lest || of events

As part of the MAMT MUSEUM OF PEACE multimedia re-socialization project, a team of technicians, filmmakers and filmmakers are playing "emotional" videos - with the new "4K" high definition technology and with the help of drones - on most sites important in Campania: from Naples to Salerno, from Pompei to Capri, from Padula to Procida, from Ischia to the Amalfi Coast, from Irpinia to Sannio, from the Royal Palace of Caserta to Cuma and so on.
By the end of the year they will be available in the new videowalls of the Museum and will convey unique emotions that make this Museum unique in its kind and heritage of humanity.

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SAR the prince Turki al Faisal al Saud – along with a delegation of personalities of Saudi Arabia head by the Ambassador in Italy Dr. Rayed Khalid A. Krimly – visited MAMT – Museum of Peace praising the level and fastness of multimedia requalification works.Talking with the workers and person in charge of the works he visited the Hall addressed to Saudi Arabia. The prince praised the involvement of Campania region which co-financed the multimedia requalification of the museum, defining it “a noble example of good practice”. In this occasion an important memorandum of understanding has been signed and under these conditions Saudi Arabia involves itself to realise the Arab section enrich it with finds, video, books which can testify how Arab-Islamic world had enriched the whole world. At the end of the visit prince Turki had an interview in 4k technology.

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HRH the prince Turki al Faisal al Saud – along with a delegation of personalities from Saudi Arabia Dr Rayed Khalid A. Krimly – visited MAMT – Museum of Peace praising the level and fastness of multimedia requalification works which are in act in the building.
In this occasion the memorandum of understanding between Fondazione Mediterraneo and King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (chaired by the prince Turki al Faisal itself) under which Saudi Arabia compelled itself in the realization, in MAMT- Museum of Peace, of the section dedicated to its country, enriching the museum with finds, video and books as testify of the centuries of cooperation between Western and Arab-Islamic world and that enriched the whole world.

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In occasion of the Jovanotti show at San Paolo stadium has been paid homage to Pino Daniele: in the same place in which more than 20 years ago the concert of Pino, Lorenzo and Eros took place.
His friend Lorenzo and  Eros, along with James Senese, paid homage to the great musician along with 50.000 people from the audience.
In this occasion Alessandro Daniele and Michele Capasso – president of  Fondazione Mediterraneo –talked with Lorenzo (Jovanotti) and with the mayor de Magistris about the upcoming section of MAMT museum dedicated to the passed away artist. Jovanotti praised and supported the initiative.

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