Complete Lest || of events

Three hundred people coming from different countries and involved in a challenge against the time: to finish in only 150 days the works of requalification and multimedia refunctionalization  of MAMT museum, financed partly by the POR FESR 2007-2013.
“It is the twenty five anniversary of the Foundation – affirmed the president Capasso – thanks to which has been possible to realize this Museum of the Emotions. Thanks to the involvement of companies and important cultural and scientific exponents coming from different countries it will be possible to finish the works by the 2015,  showing that will is power. And for the moment the operative meetings for the different sections are in course. Yesterday and today, 25 July,  Paolo Borrometi and Alessandro Daniele (curator) joined to the meeting of MAMT museum for the sections  “Pino Daniele” and “Legality”, about Sergio Pappalettera (multimedia tecnichal director) along with exponents of Italian and foreign industries who joined the works of multimedia requalification.

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The President of the Mediterranean Foundation Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari of the Governing Council intervened at the International Conference organized by ISPI.
This was the occasion of the twenty-year cooperation report between the Foundation and the Arab Republic of Egypt until the recent creation of the MAMT titolata section "EGYPT OF EMOTIONS".
For Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab, Italy and Egypt are tied by a common goal: "Our friendship is important. Terrorism and extremism are a danger to us all, together we will defeat and work for a better future for our two countries. " Mahlab then appealed to our country and the Western world, recalling the recent attack on the Italian Embassy in Cairo: "We need that Italy and all Western countries have neighbors to avoid becoming a target of terrorism, as evidenced by the last attack. Together we are stronger. "

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The prof. Gilles Kepel, one of the most important exponents of Arab world, will coordinate the MAMT museum section “ARAB PASSION”.
Books, finds and interviews will carry the visitor into a journey in which Arab world will be not only source of “sorrow” , but, mostly, an important resource for our future. During a meeting in the Headquarters of Museum in Naples has been decided the guidelines of the project.

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During the award ceremony of “Mediterranean Award” the journalist Paolo Borrometi, thanking for having been appointed of the award, called upon the importance of daily engagement in the anti mafia struggle.
Moreover, Borrometi, affirmed to be interested in collaborating with MAMT – Mediterranean Museum of Art, Music and Tradition of Naples, especially for what concerns the section dedicated to “The memory of Emotions”, in which video, reports and finds about mafia victims and who struggle with organized criminality will be collected.

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