Complete Lest || of events

A world of emotions among visitors to the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
President Capasso recalled the figure of Father Hamel - the priest murdered on 26 July by two young terrorists in France - and indicated the path of dialogue and love as the only one to travel.

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Do not give in to terror and terrorism. Freedom, democracy and normality are achievements that we will never abandon.
President Capasso welcomed at the Museum of Peace - MAMT the musical group "Guappecartò" that for years has been in Paris, in a synthesis between Southern Italy and France.
On this occasion, the values of peace and dialogue and the fight against all forms of abuse and terrorism were reaffirmed.

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Many visitors in the first ten days of the opening of the Museum with visits lasting more than 5 hours: first the homage to the "Totem of Peace" in the port and then the guided tours to emotional paths: unanimous appreciation for the emotions that the MAMT Museum gives visitors from Italy and the whole world, big and small.

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