Complete Lest || of events

Over 200 Italian and foreign journalists took part in the meeting room of the Museum of Peace - MAMT at the press presentation conference.
Coordinated by Riccardo Vitanza - head of the press office - they illustrated the aims and structure of the Michele Capasso, Jacopo Molinari and Alessandro Daniele Museum.
After the conference, journalists were able to visit some of the Museum's 12 emotional itineraries, in particular those dedicated to Pino Daniele and Mario Molinari.

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In the presence of President Michele Capasso, Ambassador Dan Haezrachy (Embassy of Israel in Rome), Min. Pl. Enrico Granara (coordinator of the Mediterranean policies of MAECI), former ministers Antonio Bassolino and Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, diplomats and general consuls of Morocco, Tunisia, France, Spain and Portugal, the MAMT "Israel Room" was inaugurated.
In this high-tech space with 4K high-definition screens, you can watch videos on the history of Israel and its evolution and admire particular objects from Judaism and its history.

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The section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated to the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) has aroused great interest: videos produced by the Fondazione Mediterraneo - historical leader of the Euro-Mediterranean organization - documents and a documentary centre involve visitors in a decade of interest that ALF has played for the dialogue with the Networks existing in 42 countries.

They spoke on this occasion:

  • Paul Walton, Director of External Relations ALF
  • Enrico Granara, Euromed MAECI coordinator and member of the ALF BofG
  • Michele Capasso, Leading Italian ALF Network and member of the ALF Advisory Council
  • Dan Haezrachy, Deputy Ambassador of Israel in Rome
  • Jean Paul Seytre, General Consul of France in Naples
  • Lujan del Toro Hector, General Consul of Spain in Naples
  • Antonio Basile, Extraordinary Commissioner of the Port Authority of Naples

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Great appreciation for Morocco's presence at the Museum of Peace - MAMT: in particular, the "Sala Marrrakech" houses prayer objects of great significance and all the acts of the "Chaire Averroes" re-launched in its importance last year.
The Minister Councillor Mohammed Asri Interviewed at the inaugural ceremony was enthusiastic.

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