Complete Lest || of events

Great emotions, memories, travels through the countries of the Mediterranean: these are the sensations of visitors to the Museum of Peace - MAMT that in this month of September are led through the 12 emotional paths. A visitor made a gift of a shirt donated by Pino Daniele at the beginning of his career.

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On September 9, 2016 the hon. Elisabeth Guigou - President of  Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of the French Republic and president of the Fondazione Anna Lindh (FAL) - accompanied by her husband Prof. Jean-Louis Guigou,  the Ambassador of Morocco in Italy Hassan Abouyoub, the consul General of France Jean-Paul Seytre, the consul general of Spain Fernando Sanchez Rau, the president of the City Council of Naples Doc. Alessandro Fucito, the delegate of the magnificent rector Prof. Gilberto Sammartino and other institutional representatives - visited the Museum of Peace for a long time expressing their appreciation and emotion.
This museum he has declared – is impressive and unique in the world and combines history, memory and new technologies in an exceptional way."
The hon. Guigou has been particularly entertained in the Marrakech room with its objects, exhibits and videos: a city where it was born and where it lived for 18 years. During the visit was accompanied by President Capasso and the Ambassador of Morocco in Italy Abouyoub.

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On a wonderful sunny day, in front of a crowd of more than 100,000 people, MadreTeresa di Calcutta is proclaimed Saint by Pope Francis.
A moment of joy, a great feast.
The Museum of Peace has long housed finds and videos by Madre Teresa, through a unique emotional journey.
Great joy among the visitors who were able to connect with Piazza San Pietro through the great videowalls and, at the same time, retrace in the Museum the fundamental stages of this Little Sister, Great in Love and Mercy.

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Sister Maria Pia Giudici, protagonist of one of the emotional paths of the Museum, comments on the action of Michele Capasso and underlines the importance of being "Hunters of the positive" at a very difficult time in our history.
We must be optimistic and look at the world with Joy, in simplicity and sobriety ": this is the message of the religious.

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