Complete Lest || of events

The small Lorenzo, despite a problem from birth, enchants visitors to the Museum with its serentià, its sweetness and joy of living. Bravo Lorenzo !!

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During a cordial meeting with Fatallah Sijilmassi, Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM), President Capasso invited the SG to join the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Peace Museum – MAMT to spread the indispensable message of "positivity" through the promotion of "what unites us" as opposed to "what divides us".
SG Sijilmassi recalled the visit to the Peace Museum - MAMT and assured the full membership of the UMM.

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President Michele Capasso visited the Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM), hosted by Director Jean-François Chougnet.
During the visit, present the Under Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs of Portugal on. Margarida Marques, the various collections have been illustrated. Of particular interest is the exhibition dedicated to Albania.
A synergy between MAMT and MUCEM was discussed during an interview.

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On the occasion of the MED FORUM ALF 2016 The President Michele Capasso presented the Museum of Peace-MAMT and its main aims to promote the "positive" so that young people can return to a climate of optimism for their and our future.
Particular interest and emotion have aroused the paths dedicated to "voices of migrants" and "a sea, three faiths".

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