Complete Lest || of events

The President Michele Capasso presided over the Fourth scientific session dedicated to the "Demographic and economic challenges" of the international colloquium "The Mediterranean: reality, challenges and perspectives" organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Forum of the Political Academy. The following considerations have been presented:

  • "Trans-Mediterranean demographic perspectives", Pr. Zeïneb Ben AMMAR MAMLOUK.
  • "Maritime delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean", Mrs. Nesrin SINGIL - Research Assistant at the University of Istanbul, Department of International Law..
  • "The role of female entrepreneurship in strengthening relations in the north-south Mediterranean", Leila Belkhiria JABER - President of the National Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs (CNFCE).

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The dr. Holger Dix, resident representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for Tunisia and Algeria, in his introductory speech to the "5th International Colloquium on the Mediterranean" - in the presence of the Tunisian foreign minister Khemaies Jhinaoui and representatives of various countries - quoted the book "La Grande Méditerranée" by President Capasso as "an essential reference for understanding the Greater Mediterranean".
President Capasso thanked for the high regard.

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Present in Tunis, president Michele Capasso attended the inauguration speech of newly elected president of Tunisia, Kais Saied.
"I appreciated the reference to competence and not to political affiliation - says Capasso - as a criterion for the choice of the new Ministers and, in general, of those responsible for public affairs".
Kais Saied was elected president of the Republic of Tunisia with 72.7% of preferences on September 13th. A few minutes after the seats were closed and the first exit polls were released, thousands of people went down the streets of Tunis, which spilled out onto the Bourguiba Avenue between carousels of cars and flags. On the street symbol of the capital and of the 2011 revolution, the festivities continued until late at night. A trans-generational and cultural gathering that reminded many of the participants of the climate of the jasmine revolution.
«Today you gave a lesson to the whole world. It is a revolution in a new form: a revolution within the constitutional framework, legitimized by the constitution, "said Saied in his first statement as president, adding that Tunisia" has opened a new page in its history "in which" relations within the country must be based on trust and responsibility ".
The primary objective, the new president concludes, is "to restore trust between governors and governed, operating within the framework of the constitution and competence".

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Today an intense day of debate ends at the Fondazione Mediterraneo to take stock of what is happening in Turkey and, especially, to the Kurds.
We listened to many members of the International Committee and connected with Turkish and Kurdish intellectuals to learn about their thinking.
The result is discouraging: the main defendant at the global level is a political and government class unprepared, slovenly, devoted to miserable special interests and unaware of the Common Good and the Value of Life and Human Dignity.
"As women we are determined to fight until we achieve the victory of peace, freedom and justice": this is how Kurdish women in a book turn to the world, as they assist the advance of Turkish troops in their territory and try to stop them. They demand that the international community act to put an end to the "invasion and occupation of Turkey in northern Syria". They do this with a letter entitled "To all the women and peoples of the world who love freedom".
It is the testimony of the situation that is faced today by the Kurds who live in northern Syria, since the territory where they live is hostage to the offensive of Turkey.
The text reads:
"We are writing to you in the midst of the war in Northeast Syria, forced by the Turkish state into our native land. We have been resisting for three days under the bombing of fighter planes and Turkish tanks. We have witnessed how mothers in their neighborhoods are targeted by bombing when they leave home to get bread for their families. We saw how the explosion of a NATO grenade tore Sara's seven-year-old leg to shreds, and killed her brother Mohammed by twelve."

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President Michele Capasso participated in the events for the Centenary of the Grenoble Institute of Naples.
Accepted by the Consul General Laurent Burin des Roziers and the previous Consul General Jean Paul Seytre, President Capasso recalled the splendid collaboration between the Consulate of France - Grenoble Institute and the Fondazione Mediterraneo - Museum of Peace.
On this occasion, the need to address the common cultural activities to young people in agreement with the Institutes of other European countries such as Cervantes, Goethe and the British was shared.

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