Complete Lest || of events

"Today was really a ‘special’ birthday for me!
MANY COINCIDENCES: the 30th anniversary of the birth of the FONDAZIONE MEDITERRANEO and the Kuwait ALBABTAIN FOUNDATION; the anniversary of the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Heritage in War Zones, signed just 65 years ago, the same day I was born.
An opportunity to remember him in The Hague, in the International Court of Justice, with many friends who have accompanied me in 30 years of commitment to dialogue and peace: from the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA GEORGE VELLA to the former PREDIDENT OF THE BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA HARIS SILAJDZIZ; from the PRESIDENT EMERITUS OF TURKEY ABDULLAH GUL to AMR MUSA, historical SECRETARY OF THE LEAGUE OF THE ARAB STATES; from PRINCIPE SAUDITA TURKI TO FAISAL ALSAUD to president ABDULAZIZ SAUD ALBABTAIN; from the President of the National Assembly of Kuwait MARZOUQ AL-GHANIM to the president of the reform and reconstruction of Iran AMMAR AL-HAKIM; from the president of the Central African Republic FAUSTIN-ARCHANGE TOUADERA to the European parliamentarian TOKIA SAIFI and off to a long list of personalities present in L’Aja.
I wish to thank the PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE ABDULQAWI AHMED YUSUF for his fine words and consideration.
A day to remember! "
Michele Capasso

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo intervened at the 6th Summit of the EU Mediterranean countries.
On the summit table a common strategy against migrant trafficking.
At the conclusion of the work, the adoption of a Declaration that "aims at a minimum common denominator of the 'southern flank' of the European Union on European priorities", as it is written in the summit presentation note. 

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The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo prof. Michele Capasso met the president of the Central African Republic prof. Faustin Archange Touadera with whom he had a cordial conversation.
During the meeting the main issues concerning the international scenario were analyzed and, in particular, those concerning the African country.
President Capasso has accepted the invitation to travel to the Central African Republic in the coming months.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo participated in the 2019 edition of AI Paris, which aims to support decision makers, in the necessary transition of their organizational models, by preparing them for future transformation projects: Compliance, transparency, change management, governance, agility, resource planning... How to scale quickly and make Artificial Intelligence (AI) a strong business project while inspiring user confidence? How to accompany change and spread an AI culture that is widespread and shared by all? How to define your techno ecosystem while adopting an ethical and responsible approach to AI?
The event this year proposed:

  • A comprehensive overview of the opportunities and technologies of artificial intelligence
  • A technical toolbox accessible to all
  • Cases of concrete uses and unpublished feedback
  • Sharing methodologies, roadmaps and good practices
  • A laboratory of innovation and inspiration
  • High level meetings with the actors who make artificial intelligence in France and in Europe.

Read More: ActuLa

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