Complete Lest || of events

"Ideas, words and anti-mafia actions": this was the theme addressed at the XXVII National Anti-Mafia Summit which was held Saturday, November 30, 2019 in Bagno a Ripoli. Organized by the Antonino Caponnetto Foundation, in collaboration with the Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafia (OMCOM), Fondazione Mediterraneo, Federation Anna Lindh Italia Onlus, Order of Journalists of Tuscany and Euromedia, the summit is now confirmed as a consolidated event in the fight scene to the mafia and to crime.
On this occasion the Omcom prizes were awarded to those who stood out against the mafia.

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President Michele Capasso had a cordial meeting with the archbishop of Chieti-Vasto S.E. Monsignor Bruno Forte.
During the interview the ancient friendship and collaboration on the themes of interreligious dialogue and theology was recalled.
President Capasso recalled the extraordinary intervention of Mons. Forte on the Mystery of the Cross on 11.9.2018 and that on Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini.
At the conclusion of the meeting there was an exchange of books written by both

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President Capasso visited the north of Tunisia: from Sejnane to Bizerte; from Bezina to Cap Serrat.
Through meetings with the resident populations it was possible to understand the great potential of the region which, for the most part, has preserved its structure and its original beauty.

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