All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

H.E. the Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Archibishop of Naples unveiled at the Theatre of San Carlo in Naples the “Totem for Peace”, which will be located in very meaningful places and that has already found its own stable location at the “Maison de la Paix”.

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The MAISON DE LA PAIX hosted the International Meeting Alvaro Siza: Ideas and Projects for the City ".

They intervened:
Arch. Michele Capasso
President of the Mediterranean Foundation
Arch. Paolo Pisciotta
Member of the National Council of Architects Conservation Planners Landscape Architects
Arch. Claudio de Saint Mihiel
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II
Arch. GennaroPolichetti
President of the Order of Conservation Architects Planners of Naples and Province He concluded:
Arch. Alvaro Siza Vieira
Mediterranean Architecture Award 2009-2010

During the meeting the Arch. Siza has given its readiness to preside over the international jury that will evaluate the project for the future definitive seat of the "Maison de la Paix"..

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As part of the 11th Edition of Chaire Avérroes for the Academic year 2009-2010 under the theme "Jeunes et créativité, entre innovation et tradition" ("Youth and Creativity, between innovation and tradition"), Mr. Albert Jacquard: Lecturer, writer, French humanist and geneticist, led, in the Conference Center of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Marrakech, a conference entitled: "La construction réciproque des personnes et de l’humanité" ("The mutual Construction of people and Humanity").

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The President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, in the wonderful “Huerto del Cura” in Elche, near Alicante, presented the programme of the “Totem for Peace” to journalists and representatives of the civil society coming from 43 Countries.

In a moment when the economic crisis, and also the values crisis, seams to waver all our certainties, it is fundamental to have a symbol of peace in which each one can identifies himself, overcoming cultural, religious and political diversities.
The participants will support the action, promoting the programme of the “Totem for Peace” in their respective Countries.

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At the entrance of the cathedral dedicated to Saint Michele Arcangelo, Monsignor Giuseppe Rocco Favale, bishop of the Diocesi di Vallo della Lucania, cut the ribbon for the first stone of the "Totem for Peace".
Together with the mayor of Rutino Michele Voria other mayors participated: Franco Serra (Laureana Cilento), Raffaello Gargano (Torchiara), Antonio Radano (Stella Cilento), Emanuele Malatesta (Omignano), Anna Acquaviva (Serramezzana), Franco Alfieri (Agropoli), Giuseppe Castellano (Lustra).

President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, Mrs. Pia Balducci Molinari, hon. Pasquale Vessa and the President of Comunità Montana Alento Monte Stella Sabato Vecchio attended the event.

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