2010 (EN)

The President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, in the wonderful “Huerto del Cura” in Elche, near Alicante, presented the programme of the “Totem for Peace” to journalists and representatives of the civil society coming from 43 Countries.

In a moment when the economic crisis, and also the values crisis, seams to waver all our certainties, it is fundamental to have a symbol of peace in which each one can identifies himself, overcoming cultural, religious and political diversities.
The participants will support the action, promoting the programme of the “Totem for Peace” in their respective Countries.

Meaningful is the image-souvenir, taken under the “Imperial Palm” beloved to the Empress Elisabeth of Austria (Sissi) in Elche: this city owns more than 300.000 palm trees representing the biggest concentration in Europe.