All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

During the Yacht Med Festival were conferred the Mediterranean Award "Energy and Sustainable Development" 2010 to Ministro dell’Ambiente Stefania Prestigiacomo instituted starting from this year by the Fondazione Mediterraneo together with the Chamber of Commerce of Latina.

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The Red Sail of the Totem for Peace started its travel: from Gaeta to the Vesuvius, from Sarajevo to Jerusalem, from Fez to Rutino, from Santiago de Compostela to Cairo...

The Minister Prestigiacomo, together with the undersecretary Giorgetti and the archbishop mons. Fabio Bernardo D’Onorio has simbolically delivered the "Totem for Peace" to the delegates of cities and institutions where the Totem will be realized: the ambassador of Bosnia-Erzegovina Branko Kesic; the mayors of Rutino Michele Voria and of Vernole Mario Mangione; the rector of the Sannio University Filippo Bencardino.

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On April the 12th, in the Vesuvio Hall at Fondazione Mediterraneo (Via Depretis, 130 - near Municipio Square), Ursula Plassnik, Austrian Foreign Minister (2004-2008) received the “Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy 2009-2010”.

The jury
conferred, unanimously, the award to Minister Plassnik for promoting the Euro-Arab dialogue through diplomatic initiatives that may constitute a coalition of shared values and interests fully involving civil society.




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The Fondazione Mediterraneo granted Mediterranean Award Art and Creativity 2010 to Maestro Roberto De Simone.

Theater director, composer and musicologist, De Simone has given an exemplary contribution to the history of lyric art and of the arts of entertainment, especially as manager of San Carlo Theater of Naples. His primary aim was to valorize and repropose the cultural, theatrical and musical heritage of the popular tradition of Campania, both oral and written. The popular repertoire is not reproposed in an arbitrary way, it rather relies on systems related to culture, such as for instance writing and metrical elaboration.

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