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Back in Naples, on the occasion of the “Mediterranean Awards” 2011, the 11th Edition of the Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue among Cultures with “I Cantori di Posillipo”.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo promoted, on the occasion of the Ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2011, the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue among Cultures”. This year the concert, after the success of the previous editions which saw the participation of more than 500.000 people in different cities of the world: Otranto, Cairo, Naples, Rome, Cosenza, Luxembourg, Barcelona, Algeri and Gaeta, came back to Naples at the Sala Filangieri - TAR Campania (Piazza Municipio 69), on friday 20th May at 19:00.

An event that in previous editions brought together artists from different Mediterranean Countries, giving the public the experience of different emotions, thanks to the strength and intensity of the values ​​of peace mixed together with music.
Naples is the symbolic place "where different identities and cultures of the Mediterranean can meet" and identify themselves in the
Totem for Peace, the artwork by sculptor Mario Molinari, recognized worldwide as the symbol of peace it also represents the Mediterranean Award.

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The President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the Head of Institutional Relations Claudio Azzolini took part to the presentation of the new book by Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, "Questioni di Fede", talking with the lawyer Francesco De Simone.

The event took place on May the 18th in Villa Pignatelli at the presence of H.E. the Bishop mons. Rino Fisichella and the Neapolitan writer Erry De Luca.

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On the occasion of the inaugural opening in Forno di Coazze of the Tricolored Totem for Pace by sculptor Mario Molinari, the President of the Committee for the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity Giuliano Amato and the President of the Committee for the Ossario di Coazze Piero Fassino were nominated "Peace-keepers".

"It is with deep emotion that I give to my friends Amato and Fassino - said President Capasso - this award consisting of two slabs made of Vesuvius rocks: a place where my father, Mayor of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, was one of the architect of the Moti di via Medina, expression of the Resistance in Naples. The commitment of all of us must befor freedom and against all forms of violence and abuse".


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